chapter six

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I kind of hate how this isn't a legit book.. like it's just my ridiculous mind coming out of paper. or in this case, a screen. but oh well I guess it's fine. maybe we can just talk about Ben Cook, or should I say BAEn😂😂😂 I enjoyed writing that omg. Ben Cook is veryyyyyy talented and OMG I love him so much it's not eben funny guys (see what I did there... even--> eBEN... lol yeah) I set my phone to correct even to eben lol so if I'm trying to type it the real way sorry if it changes to eben. so yeah I guess I'll stop, check out my friend's books; One Step At a Time, The Girl Who Danced, Lame Names, and Summer Love, these are all by Maksyl_is_life hkinnc01 ritzbabes fungirl426
you should read their books since they're really good and WAYY better than this bc mine isn't even a Denton book (I'll explain Denton in the next chapter lol)

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