chapter fourteen

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hello. how is everybody doing? I'm doing pretty good👌, thanks for asking! lol sorry that was kind of weird. so I'm going to talk about this fella named Brad, and a girl who happens to love him, but she doesn't know it yet. let me just say, Brad is quite annoying and a huge flirt, he flirts with everyone while he should only be flirting with the girl of his dreams!! anyways, I think that this girl hates liking him but also likes hating him... it's a definite love hate relationship. but I've shipped them since the beginning of the school year, and that was Sven before I knew the girl HAD (lol) feelings for him! so obviously thy means that they must be soulmates! I know this description is way longer than the Sander/Logan and Kyle ones but that's only because this girl doesn't believe that she eben likes this boy! ugh you know who you are. anyways enough of that, I'm still shocked that I have over 250 reads... umm what eben?!?! yeah wtd is this?!?!? u
omg I don't eben believe it since this book has no story to it... lol oh well thanks anyways!!!! also! please watch the video above bc I love it so much and the toursies are so talented it's not eben funny!! comment something interesting about yourself just because I can't think if a better question and yeah lol. ok vote and comment!! gotta go carry da bannah! 📰📰📰

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