chapter twenty two

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IM GOIN TO SEE PITCH PERFECT 2 ON FRIDAYY👏👏 with fungirl426 ritzbabes kyel_forever bc they're Denton. I didn't update much today and I really don't want to write at the moment but I will. so how is everybody doing? I'm good cuz I almost have 400 READS!!!! WHAT THE EBEN DENTON I SWEAR HOWWWW?!?! I literally don't eben understand how that happened!! thank you all very much for reading!!! so I'm watching iCarly right now bc that show was my life when I was like in 3rd grade or something, but literally I loved that show. I loved Nevel the most and id call him Nevel Packerman instead of Papperman lol. I was a weird child back then... and I still am! lol I think we all are though. so today in chorus, my teacher, at the end of class, let all of the "bad" kids in my class who don't sing leave early and then let the rest who were there sing one of our concert pieces and then when we were done she was like "point made. you may leave" and I was like "ooooooohhhhaahhhhhhagshskksksvsydkwowvxudjs" bc we sounded better without those hooligans holding us back and I think her doing that was LOOOOOOONG OVERDUE. I mean they've been doing this the while year, why kick them out when we have like 29 days left?!?! lol idk anyways that was a good time... ok well 200 words should be good enough, thanks for reading!!! COMMENT VOTE AHD FOLLOW MOI😂😊

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