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Character descriptions:
Kyle: 5'6, Blonde, gray eyes, addicted to Monster Energy, punches drywall, Lanky; small figure, Switch
Chad: 6'1, Brunette, green eyes, Captain of the football team, works out, has a more built, strong figure, Switch

Chad groaned, rolling over, not wanting to accept the fact he was awake. He finally sat up, checking the time, 3:12 am flashed on the screen. He looked over to Kyle, who, unluckily for Chad, was sleeping.

Chad ran his hand along Kyle's inner thigh, pushing his shorts up slowly. "I wanna fuck you so bad," He whispered, licking Kyle's ear, who groaned, not wanting to wake up either.

Chad looked down at his sleeping prince, groaning, rubbing his hand along Kyle's thigh. Why won't you get the hell uppp He thought, groaning.

Chad massaged his growing erection through his shorts,

Chad placed himself in between Kyle's legs, leaning down and slowly kissing up his thigh, licking Kyle's head that was slightly sticking out, making Kyle squirm. "..mmm...b-babe.." Kyle mumbled.

Chad continued to kiss Kyle's thigh, occasionally running his tongue along them.

Chad slowly took Kyle's shorts off, revealing his dick. Chad slowly took it into his mouth, moving his mouth up and down on it. Kyle's leg started to shake, "b-babe I'm t-trying to sl- AH~ FuCk!-" Kyle groaned as Chad went faster.

Kyle sat up, making his dick slide out of Chad's mouth. He used a finger to push against Chad's chin, making him look up, "You're being a bad boy today, aren't you?~" Kyle grinned, "Bad boys deserve punishments, don't they? You needy slut~"

Chad nodded vigorously, "Y-yes p-please punish me," Chad whined. Kyle got up and walked into their closet, coming out with a whip and rope.

Kyle dragged a chair out from the corner of the room, he attached a dildo covered in lube onto the chair. "Mm..Go ahead. Sit on it." Kyle beckoned to Chad. Chad walked over to the chair, struggling to fit his tight ass onto the dildo, moaning as he finally slid onto it.

After he has finished tying Chad to the chair, he gagged him and handed Chad his clicker. "If it gets to be too much, you know what to do." Kyle told Chad reassuringly, to which Chad nodded.

Kyle ran the whip along Chad's chest which made him let out a muffled moan. "Heh~ Sensitve aren't you, slut?~" Kyle teased, grinning and hitting Chad's chest softly with the whip. Chad let out a loud, muffled whimper. "You know what~ I wanna hear you scream~," Kyle smirked, taking the gag out of Chad's mouth and letting it rest around his neck.

Chad moaned, feeling his hole tighten around the dildo as Kyle hit his chest again, harder this time. Kyle flicked Chad's dick, which was being held in place by the rope, "Look at you, just craving to be touched," Kyle remarked, when Chad moaned at Kyle barely touching him.

Kyle climbed onto Chad, wrapping his legs around him, grinding against his dick, making out with him. Kyle grinding against him made Chad move around on the dildo, hitting every part of his insides, "I want you inside mee, not this dumb toy," Chad groaned.

Kyle smirked, standing up, "Being ungrateful, are we?~" Kyle whipped Chad before he could answer, "N-no s-sir," Chad whimpered.

Kyle dragged the whip over Chad's dick, making Chad moan. Kyle whipped Chad's chest until it started to turn red.


Kyle immediately stopped, kneeling down to look at Chad, "You okay babe?!?!" Kyle asked, panicking. "I-im fine," Chad replied, tears falling down his face, "It just hurt a bit too much."

"I'm so sorry, I forget how sensitive you are," Kyle replied whilst untying Chad. Kyle wrapped his arms around Chad as he stood up. Kyle pushed Chad onto the bed, going into the bathroom and retrieving a bottle of lotion.

Kyle climbed onto the bed, sitting on Chad's waist. Kyle slowly applied the lotion to Chad's chest, his cold hands gliding along Chad's pecks, making him moan a little. "Your cold hands feel so good," Chad remarked. Kyle smiled.

Kyle finished putting on the lotion, laying beside Chad and cuddling him. "I love you so much," Chad mumbled into Kyle's ear. "I love you too," Kyle replied, falling asleep in Chad's arms.


(728 words)

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