A Reality Check

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In the evening, Rebekah and the gang sat in the garden and from Rebekah's expression you could tell she was fuming. How dare she slap me?! And that too for a girl whose worth is not more than 1 rupee! Rebekah screamed. "Like you are worth diamonds!?", Phoebe said as she walked in on the conversation. "I'm sorry to say aunty but she slapped your daughter and you're siding with her, "Hannah said enquiringly. "Exactly mom, none of us ever raised our hand on Rebekah but now that Abigail has. You are trying to say that she is the right one", Caleb said astonished at his mother's words and behaviour. "Of course, she is right. She was right to slap you, she was right to raise her voice with you. I love you guys there is no doubt about that after all I am your mother but there have been times when I don't even recognize you. And today was one of those days. The way you spoke of that little girl not knowing anything of her life. I felt like I failed as a mother. That I might have encouraged you to be successful in your careers, but I couldn't encourage you guys to have a good heart and be understanding, caring and soft-spoken." Phoebe said disheartened but she wiped a few tears that had streamed down her cheeks and said, "If you guys think my opinion matters, then, please apologise to Abi and that little girl Kanika." saying this she left. "I'm leaving. Bye. See you soon." Abi said as she left for college.Seeing Abigail leave, Naomi said "Guys why not apologise for the sake of it or at least for Aunt Phoebe? She looked so heartbroken by our behaviour." "Naomi is right. I mean if it was the old Abigail at least apologising to her would be worth it" Gabriela commented. "Fine well apologise but I wanted to break this fake arrogance of hers.NO MATTER WHAT! Who is in?" Rebekah exclaimed. They all looked at each other and said, "All of us are". Now the question was how do they get to Abi? what will they do that might break her?

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