Chapter 16

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"Alette, hi!" Alaeia smiled at her sister affectionately as she opened the door wider, grabbing one of the slightly taller girls' bags. Alette quietly let herself in as her sister carried one of the three bags in front of her.

Alette was very different to her sister - a polar opposite, many said. Her hair was an icy blonde, and had a lighter brown shade for her eyes that shared a tint of green every now and then. Her personality remained a bit more timid than her sisters', and she was a very happily committed Lesbian. Her sister was also part of the LGBTQIA+ as she was known to be Pansexual, and at the first original glance around her living room, you could see a small Pansexual flag carefully pinned amongst posters of bands and fake precariously placed vines with other random things. Her sister was the type to be known as a certain 'aesthetic' or whatever people called a style these days. Alette was never really aware of much.

"I know we don't talk much, but I'm glad you said yes to letting me stay. Thank you, really." Alette spoke as they both sat on the blanket-covered sofa.

"Anytime! You're my sister, and I love you. It's never really been shown or anything like that, but I hope you knew anyway." Alaeia replied, gradually relaxing from the awkward tension. Alette nodded in agreement, another smile resting to match her sisters.

"I love you too."


"Hey! It's been a while hun, just checking in. How have you been? Uh, if you're free next Friday then Will, Theo, and a couple of their friends are going to some club. Will wanted to ask you if you wanted to come but hasn't seen you. If you do go - which you really should, you never go out - then have fun! Love you, bye sweets!" The cheery voice of Celia rang through the speaker as the voicemail played. Alaeia had accidentally woken up late for work and was currently waiting in the lunchtime traffic as she listened to her voicemails. Three so far had been about work and the fourth was Celia's one.

Huh, a club? Maybe I could bring Ally with me. She doesn't get out much either, right? She thought as she moved the car about an inch forward. The red stoplight had been sat there for about five minutes, just glaring at her. This mob of cars wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

The next thing Alaeia knew she was on the line to her manager, pressing the speaker button so she was still legally safe in the car. The bouncy voice of Erica flew through the speakers at the second ring.

"Hello? Erica speaking." She chirped. Alaeia put her face in her empty palm, rolling her eyes with a tired expression.

"Hi Erica, it's Alaeia. I woke up about an hour ago, my narcolepsy seems to be pulling one of those 'I'll make you feel tired but not give you the sleep attacks' things, and I'm stuck in really bad traffic at the moment. Is it okay if I don't come in today?"

Erica gasped softly, almost feigning a joking shock.

"Of course you can darling, don't worry if the traffic is that bad. I hope you get some rest soon, okay? I'll see you Tuesday!" She beamed, bidding farewell to her employee and hanging up the call. Tuesday? But today's Thursday, I work Fridays too, don't I?

After a quick check through her schedule, Alaeia realised she had booked this Friday off to spend with her sister. Although, what she didn't realise, was the fact that tomorrow was the Friday. The Friday that Wilbur wanted to go to a club with her and his friends.


Here Alaeia was, applying a thin coat of clear mascara to her already long eyelashes. She'd slowly begun regretting accepting the offer for tonight as she progressed in the task of getting ready, but not enough to call it off completely. Alette on the other hand, seemed very excited at the thought of 'letting loose', as she'd said.

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