4 ~ First Official Day

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The morning came by early. Luckily Rose was a morning person. When she woke, everyone was still asleep so she took a quick shower. When she came back half an hour later (She couldn't find the bathroom) Hermione was siting awake on her bed.

"Morning" Hermione looked up from her book and smiled.

"Morning" Both had already changed into their robes. Hermione stood up from her bed and smiled at Rose.

"Ready for our first lesson of transfiguration?" Hermione asked enthusiastic. Rose nodded and grabbed her bag from her bedpost. She turned back to Hermione and smiled. Soon they both walked into their classroom. They were at least fifteen minutes early.

"Aren't we a bit too, early?" Rose asked as she took a seat next to Hermione. Hermione shook her head, placing her quill in front of her.

"Better to early than to late" Rose nodded her head. That seemed logical.

After waiting for ten minutes the rest of the students entered, soon followed by the Professor McGonagall. She was just demonstrating an transfiguration spell when Ron and Harry came running in. Ron looked around and let out a sign of relief when he thought that the teacher wasn't there but in reality the tabby cat on the desk was Professor McGonagall. Hermione looked at them and shook her head before continuing her writing. Rose watched as they walked to the front desk.

"Whew, amazing, can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron smirked at Harry. The cat or Professor McGonagall jumped of the desk changing into her normal form. Harry and Ron looked amazed.

"That was bloody brilliant." Ron gasped. The professor smirked.

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Maybe if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocketwatch, maybe one of you would be on time." Ron and Harry looked down at their shoes.

"We got lost." Harry answered honestly, looking up at the professor.

"Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats." They nodded and took a seat at the desk in front of Rose and Hermione.


Hermione and Rose sat at their desk at the next class. Potions. Rose was surprised that Hermione wanted to sit with her but she didn't question it. It was nice to have a friend. Suddenly the door flew open and a man with black hair and robes stalked into the room.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to enjoy the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few" His eyes darted to the front row and stayed on Draco. "Who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death." The teacher or Professor Snape, as Hermione told her, stopped walking and looked at Harry. "Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not...pay...attention." Rose sitting next to Harry nudged him in the shoulder making him look at her. She nodded towards Snape. His eyes turned to Snape before he placed his quill down.

"Mr. Potter. Our...new...celebrity. Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Hermione's hand shot into the air while Rose's hand goes up to but in a more slow manner. Harry shrugged. "You don't know? Well, let's try again. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" Hermione's and Rose's hand stay in the air.

"I don't know, Sir." Harry answered politely.

"And what is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfbane?" Snape asked again not even looking at Hermione while his eye found Rose's for a second before he looked away.

"I don't know, Sir." Harry answered looking down at his hands.

"Pity. Clearly, fame isn't everything, is it, Mr. Potter?"


Ron, Rose, Harry and Hermione sat in the Great Hall. Rose was doing her homework with Hermione on one side of the table while Ron and Harry talked at the other.

Seamus, the boy who yesterday told everyone he was an half and half, was trying an spell to change water into rum.

"Eye of rabbit, harp string hum. Turn this water, into rum." He looked into the cup, shook his head and tried again. "Eye of rabbit, harp string hum..."

"What's Seamus trying to do to that glass of water?" Harry asked Ron.

"Turn it into rum. Actually managed a weak tea yesterday, before..." Ron couldn't finish his sentence because a loud BANG sounded. Everyone looked up to see Seamus now with his face full of ash. Apparently the spell had backfired causing it to explode in his face. Rose laughed with everyone else as she took a white cloth out of her pockets and handed it to him.

"Thanks" She smiled at him before her attention was pulled away by a flock of owls flying in.

"Ah. Mail's here!" Ron happily shouted. Owls varying in all kinds of sizes flew down and dropped packages and letters. Rose's owl, Hugo, flew down and dropped an letter before her. She smiled and opened it.

'Dear Master Rose,

With great pleasure I can inform you that I has kept the house very clean. There haves been no mail for you. I also has made no mistakes like last year. There haves been a message from Master Grandpa. He said that he is very proud and that you haves to get good grades. I haves confusion though... How dooz the sucking machine work. It is driving me into the crazy. I has already asked Master Grandpa about it but he didn't haves time to help. I hope you has some good grades and haves some fun.

Sincerely, Your House Elf.'

At the end of the letter, Rose was laughing like an idiot. Hermione looked at her oddly before Rose gave her, her letter. Hermione was just about to read it when Harry spoke.

"Hey, look broke into Gringotts. Listen, Believed to be the work of dark witches or wizards unknown, Gringotts goblins, while acknowledging the breach, insist that nothing was taken. The vault in question, number 713, had in fact been emptied earlier that same day. That's odd. That's the vault Hagrid and I went to." Suddenly Hermione started laughing which caused Ron and Harry to look at each other in disbelief. Rose waved it off and took the letter from the still laughing Hermione.

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