20 ~ Strange Milk

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The room appeared to be an opening to the kitchens. The room smelled like heaven and cookies. Harry walked further into the room. High shelves filled nearly every space in the room. They, in their turn were filled with nearly everything you could possibly imagine. Reaching the centre of the room Harry finally found Rose. She was sitting cross-legged on the table a huge bole on her lab. Her face was covered in flower just as her clothes. She was furiously whisking the contents of the bowl. Another person appeared behind Rose. Harry had never seen someone like that. It was a very small man with pointy ears, a small cooks hat on his head and a apron around his middle.

"Miss Rose I-" The elf stopped and dropped the bowl he was holding. He shrieked and vanished. Harry blinked not having expected that. Rose looked up, frightened only to see Harry. In one fluent motion she placed the bowl on the table and jumped at Harry.

"Harry!!!" She shouted before she clung to him. Harry laughed as he quickly hugged her back. She currently smelled like vanilla and pumpkin? Much to quickly, Rose released him before dragging him to the table.

"Here try this" She took one of the cupcakes and handed it to him. Harry laughed and took a bite. Pumpkin. Well that explained the smell. Harry smiled at Rose as she watched him with an exited expression. "And?" Harry nodded.

"Amazing!" Rose laughed and skipped back to the bowl she had previously been holding.

"I didn't know you were awake, I would have been there if I knew but miss Pomfrey wouldn't let me stay and then Ron had to drag me out because he said I was still hurt and then Miss Pomfrey gave me some milk" Harry grinned, seeing Rose ramble. Rose stopped and turned to him. "It tasted funny." Harry placed his half eaten cupcake back down before he placed his hands on Rose's shoulders.

"Rose" he laughed "Calm down!" Rose nodded before she hiccupped. She moved closer and whispered.

"I watched you while you slept" She pulled back, an insane smile on her lips before she giggled and skipped out of the kitchen. Harry watched her go, his face as red as a tomato. She hadn't had she? "And you drool!!!" He could hear Rose call.

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