19 ~ In the End everything is wel

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About a week later and Harry was still in the hospital wing. He was laying bandages and all in bed. He finally awoke from his deep slumber. Letting his eyes adjust for a moment he took his glasses of his nightstand and put them on. Still a bit sore he sat up. He took quick notice off the candy and cards next to his bed. A faint smile appeared on his lips when he saw a box with freshly baked cookies in between the cards. He looked up as Dumbledore approached him.

"Good afternoon, Harry. Ah. Tokens from your admirers?" He smiled seeing the cards and candy.

"Admirers?" Harry questioned rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Dumbledore smiled, sitting next to Harry.

"What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows." Dumbledore smiled making Harry crack up too. "Ah, I see your friend Ronald has saved you the trouble of opening your Chocolate Frogs." This spiked Harry's interest. He sat up more.

"Ron was here? Is Rose all right? What about Hermione" Dumbledore chuckled.

"Fine. They're all just fine." Harry sighed in relief.

"But, what happened to the Stone?"

"Relax, dear boy. The stone has been destroyed. My friend Nicholas and I had a little chat and agreed it was best all around." Harry's smiled disappeared.

"But Flamel, he'll die, won't he?" Dumbledore sighed sadly.

"He has enough Elixir to set his affairs in order. But yes, he will die."

"How is it I got the Stone, sir? One minute I was staring in the mirror, and the next..."

" Ah. You see, only a person who wanted to find the Stone, find it, but not use it, would be able to get it. That is one of my more brilliant ideas. And between you and me thats saying something." Harry smiled.

" Does that mean, with the Stone gone, I mean, that Voldemort can never come back?" Dumbledore shook his head.

"Ah, I'm afraid there are ways in which he can return. Harry, do you know why Professor Quirrell couldn't bear to have you touch him?" Harry shook his head. "It was because of your mother. She sacrificed herself for you, and that kind of act leaves a mark." Harry brought his hand up to touch his mark. "No, no, this kind of mark cannot be seen. It lives in your very skin."

"What is it?" Dumbledore smiled.

"Love, Harry, love." He stood up but not before patting Harry's head. He noticed the box between Harry's candy."Ah. Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit flavoured one, and since then I have lost my liking for them. But I think I could be safe with a nice toffee" He smiled and took a brown one out of the box. He placed it in his mouth and Harry smiled, thinking it was the right one when Dumbledore frowned. "Mm. Alas. Earwax." Dumbledore placed the box back before leaving the infirmary.


About an hour later Harry was released from the infirmary. He was approaching one of the rooms when he saw Hermione and Ron up on a stairwell balcony. They were busy talking until they noticed him.

"All right there, Ron?" Harry asked Ron. Ron grinned.

"All right? You?" Harry shrugged.

"All right. Hermione?" Hermione smiled.

"Never better." Harry frowned.

"Where is Rose?" Hermione and Ron looked at each other before pointing to the room opposite of them. Harry smiled at them and walked towards it. Fred and George stood on the staircase above them, having seen everything.

"I bet on 10 chocolate frogs they'll be a couple before year 4"


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