Labyrinth I

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(Note: Apologies for the wait, this is the reworked version of Power Up. Basically the chapter is separated into many others. Oh, and I also have a Discord server now, you can join it, link is in my bio.)

Chapter 11: Labyrinth I

Ainz POV

It has already been some time since Rimuru helped to make the Sorcerer Kingdom a recognized nation. The country is doing well, the entirety of Jistarv is under my control. Well, from what Rimuru told me, it is a former Demon Lord's territory, so I need permission from the other one to use it. However, as I already know that I will have the territory because Rimuru promised, and I trust him, I made plans for the Sorcerer Kingdom. The ruler of the place will be me, the highest executives will be the floors' guardians. The capital is Nazarick, a city is under construction around its walls for some citizens.

Anyhow, on today's agenda I have to do the paperwork Rimuru has sent me. It is for the country, apparently. Thus, I signed paper after paper until I arrived at an envelope that was inserted between two sheets. The envelope was fancy looking, there was a name handwritten on it: Ainz Ooal Gown. It was obvious, this envelope was for me, so I opened it and started to read what's on the paper in it. It was an invitation to Tempest, it invited me to come in 10 days. He also informed me that he wants me to come because he wants to make sure I can meet with the Demon Lords.

Wait, he wants me to meet them? Well, let's go and see.

"Please, prepare everything to depart toward Tempest in 8 days." I said, looking toward Albedo who was seated close by.

"Yes, Lord Ainz." she said, stood up, bowed and left.

3RD person POV

During these 8 days, Nazarick was preparing for Ainz departure toward Tempest. The skeleton was wondering what Rimuru prepared for him. He knew that the Demon Lords far surpasses level 100. However, he can't tell how much, he only saw two people fight, and it was not for long. Rimuru's barrier that blocked Albedo's attack and Adalman's spell that killed the adventurers. Many questions passed through Ainz's head, such as what does Rimuru mean by 'Meet the Demon Lords'. There is only one way to have the answers, and that is going to Tempest.

Only two days left before the date. It takes a day to travel there with the carriage from Nazarick, thus Ainz departed two days beforehand to make sure they arrived on time. The skeleton entered the carriage with Demiurge, the Arch-Devil, and Aura, the dark elf. He tasked Albedo to take care of the things during his absence. The carriage departed with an escort of seven Death Cavalier, as always, three at the left and three at the right and one leading.

*24 hours later*

The black and gold carriage just arrived at the gates of the city. The leading Death Cavalier informed the wall's guards of the situation, they verified the letter and let the group in. Entering Tempest, Ainz was in awe, he knew that they were moving to another city, but he didn't expect that. For him, it was almost like a dream, a place this beautiful, a place where there are no discrimination towards the heterotrophic race. It was a place like this one that he and his guild mates wished for.

Rimuru POV

{Ainz Ooal Gown is arriving in town.}

Already? Wasn't he coming tomorrow?

{Well he is here now...}


I was seated on the roof of the palace, watching over the city. However, with that information, I suppose I should receive my guests. It is still morning, so I can probably send him to do this thing now. Thus, I teleported in front of the castle's second wall and waited. After around an hour I saw a carriage arriving, it was guided by...

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