Chapter 8

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I let myself cry as I stayed with Debynn a little more.

I had to think. Slowly my thoughts drowned out the looming sorrow.

I knew that the only thing I could do for Debynn was avenge him, despite his request. If father had not just sentenced me to life in a cage then perhaps I would have listened to my master. Perhaps I would stop fighting. But the truth was, I didn't want to. I wanted freedom to make my own decisions. Hopefully Debynn could respect that. I grabbed Polly's reins and pulled her around the flames. My heart pounded in my chest. I had to stand and fight, however, if Debynn couldn't fight them, how could I?

Out of the flames came a sword. I dove for the ground, barely avoiding what would have been a fatal injury to the neck. An imperial soldier of the King appeared. He raised his sword and prepared to strike again.

"Wait! Are you crazy! I am the daughter of Lord Dazaron."

He squinted. "My apologies, my lady. He sheathed his sword. "Where is your personal guard?"

"Well this city is usually peaceful, so we have never found the need for them."

"Alright, I will have one of my men accompany you back."

"No, really it's alright-"

"It was not a suggestion. There are assassins lurking around."

"Sir, Captain's got the assassins on the run." We walked up to another soldier who appeared from the smoke.

"She better, otherwise KuRath will have her head." The soldier looked down at me. "Well who do we have here?"

"A daughter of the Lord Dazaron, sir."

"Is that so?" He eyed me from top to bottom.

"My father. Lord Dazaron, can vouch for me if you don't believe me."

He peered at me. Who did he think I was? One of the assassins?

"No, that won't be necessary. I do apologize, Lady Dalani, for not recognizing you."

"I'm not Dalani, that is my sister."

"Right-" He paused. "Escort this lady back to Lord Dazaron. Make sure she gets there." He gestured to the soldier that held tightly to my shoulders.

I looked nothing like that bookworm Dalani. How did he not recognize me?

"Ok let us get you home, miss." He jumped up on his horse after I had mounted mine.

What was I to do now? I couldn't return. I wasn't going to let Debynn die in vain either. Debynn didn't want the King to have the sword, so that means I would have to get it from the assassins before the Imperial soldiers could.

The forest quickly flew by, as well as the time for me to decide how to act. What was I going to do? I needed to lose the guard before we reached my father's keep.

The time quickly approached.

"This way." I pointed to a small trail. If I could recall this was the path that led to the Mink River. Perhaps I could lose through the thick brush. The soldier did not look convinced.

"It's a short cut. My brothers and I always take this. Plus if there are any assassins around we do not want to travel in plain sight." The gullible soldier followed me in. As we continued, I could notice the soldier's uneasiness grow. I am sure he had realized by now we were not heading towards my Father's keep.

"Where are we going?" He stopped his horse in front of mine and drew his sword.

I was about to make up an answer when I saw something. My eyes darted to my left. Sure enough, the woods had gone quieter.

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