Chapter 131 | Salt In The Wound

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Fresh air breezed across Eko's face. It was such a relief to get out of that little restaurant. The food as always was perfect to eat, the drinks were fine, and the company of her boyfriend and his wandering hands were sensational.

The tension created by Jackson and Jesse's attempts to orchestrate their date was almost unbearable.

What was Jesse's intention in trying so hard to make their date work?

Eko didn't like being tricked into a double date with Jesse. Really, Jesse should have warned them before sitting down.

Thankfully that entire car crash of an event was behind them, and they'd mercifully spilt up for a while to enjoy the fundraising event. This meant Eko now had her charming, handsy, and adoring boyfriend back – the same man who appeared to have shifted his attitude the moment Jesse and Jackson had left them.

"You texted Toni, didn't you?" she teased with a smirk.

-"Absolutely," he chuckled. "What was she thinking with that guy? Unbelievably, it's almost as painful as Colin."

"There's been worse?"

Matthew moaned, "So much worse, babe. I honestly don't know where she finds them."

They continued their leisurely stroll down a pier adorned with various games, chatting as he sneakily stole kisses from his girlfriend. The event was becoming more crowded as time passed, and they were eagerly awaiting the arrival of everyone else.

Eko tugged at his arm and pointed at a game. "Win me something," she said with a smile. Matthew glanced at the game in question, "Win me something, and you can put it anywhere you like tonight."

A sly smile appeared on his face. "You might regret that," he remarked, guiding her towards one of the games he was confident he could win.

**** ****

Linked with Jackson's arm, Jesse walked alongside the man, steering him towards the cotton candy. She had caught the hint at the restaurant, and both of them could use a break from their double date.

Matthew had initially made a good effort at the restaurant before reverting to his unpleasant self, and she had no desire to continue sitting through that.

Jackson's sense of humor occasionally veered into the awkward 'dad joke' category, and she could sense that Matthew and Eko's patience was wearing thin.

She abruptly halted in her tracks. Dad jokes?

Who told dad jokes other than dads?

Jackson wasn't a dad, was he?

Maybe she should have conducted a more thorough background check on him. She dismissed the thought as she approached the cotton candy vendor, expediting her transaction to indulge in the taste of sweetness, hoping it would distract her from concerns about dads.

Savoring sweets while walking down the pier with a handsome man—she hoped this would momentarily dissolve all her problems in a cloud of pink sugar.

Taking a bite into the cotton candy, the fluffiness started to dissolve, and she hid her face behind the giant puffball. Carnival lights blinked and glowed through the airy pinkness.

Another bite, and then she subtly glanced over at Jackson as he purchased some buttery popcorn for himself.

Jesse stared at him, attempting to think less about dads and more about Jackson. Her brain raced at hyper speed. Jackson was somewhat handsome. And he probably wasn't a dad. You know who was a dad?

Calvin. Jackson was okay, but he was no Calvin Menzie, that was for sure.

Calvin possessed a memorable and handsome face. Not that Jackson was unattractive, because he wasn't. His face was decent enough—symmetrical but somewhat lacking distinct features in each facial department.

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