Chapter 154 | June 19th | The One That Filmed Everything

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Timeline - June 19th | Present Time

Relaxing by the poolside after spending the sunrise at the beach, the sun had graced the couple with a magnificent mid-morning, slowly eating some of the strawberries from the fruit platter that was on the extensive table before them.

Matthew grinned through his sunglasses as had moved away from him after he wouldn't stop tickling her and sat down into the poolsode chair across from him, grasping the mimosa that had sat there prior to her making the call to Jesse.

Comfying into plush pillows, her oversized rose gold sunnies sat at the tip of her nose as she eyeballed her to-be husband, the same that relaxed into his chair and she loved how relaxed he was, sitting there god like in his white cargo briefs and white open-collar shirt.

How was he already managing a killer tan against the perfect sculptured body that he owns? He genes were ridiculously unfair. She felt like a lathered up sunscreen mannequin, she did not want an off paled colour of a tan for her wedding. 

"Does she remember?" Matthew drawled taking his own mimosa to his lips taking a slow slip.

"Not from that short conversation, but I'm sure she'll be having some flashbacks pretty quickly now that she's conscious."

Matthew grinned again, "I think you're going to hear her screaming from down here when she realized who she drunk married."

"I think you're going to hear him more than her."

"Yea squealing in delight," That's when he howled in laughter, "you know how he feels about her. He's not going to object!"

Eko grinned at that little bit of information, and that one of her best friends was obscenely clueless about that and had been for years it seemed.

Matthew, however, had kept his eyes on his fiancee, watching as she threw her kimono-style dress away from her body; it revealed her toned stomach and incredibly toned legs.

Ah, he remembered quite well last night how they were wrapped around his body before they were called to celebrate that spur-of-the-moment wedding.

Her white bachelorette, 'Soon To Be Mrs,' bikini was a real treat this morning when she woke him up to grab an early swim. Unlike his early bird of a soon-to-be wife, the rest of the group was asleep.

She dragged him down to the beach to watch the sunrise, and he admitted it had been the perfect way to start the day with her.

When they finally got back, the poolside access had been set up for them, and their breakfast would be arriving shortly.

"So, tell me, Mrs Skarsgard," he leaned across to the temptress.

Eko noticed that he looked somewhat suspicious of his intentions; sipping on her mimosa quite happily in this morning sun, she watched as her mischievous husband-to-be ran his fingers up her thigh.

"How did you enjoy your strip show last night?"

Eko beamed through her round rose gold sunnies at the man staring at her through his black aviators.

"Well, last night was kind of a blur, but I know I took a lot of photos."

Surprised, Matthew cocked his head to Eko suspiciously, was he that far gone that he didn't notice her taking photos?

Leaning back into his chair, Eko lowered her leg to the ground. She reached for the phone sitting before her and then got up.

She then moved across from her chair to the man before her, lowering herself comfortably into Matthew's lap, her head resting against his shoulder so she could show him the photos.

Holding up the phone, she began flicking through the photos before them.

The first photo is of the four of them in the limo, Eko singing karaoke and the girls drinking.

"That's a typical Friday night for you lot," he smirked.

"Want me to go to the part where I'm licking ice cream off your cock? Or when you're eating me out on the breakfast table in the suite?"

Matthew laughed, recalling those specific memories, "how bout we go from the start when you got here and what actually happened before you texted me?"

"If I remember correctly, which I do during that haze, you were quite happy to oblige the bride-to-be's requests."

"You sent me those stupid eggplant emoticons and told me to come and quote 'fuck your wife'. Did you really think I was giving up that opportunity?"

"Then you stripped for me."

"Then I stripped for you."

"And what a strip show it ended up being," Eko grinned as she began the slideshow of photos she took last night.

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