Chapter 157 | The One With The Little Green Dress

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Timeline - 36 hours ago

"Excuse me," they had been waiting inline amongst the bustle of people wanting to enter the night club.

The night was a balmy warm weather, which meant it had been perfect for the very mini dresses they had been sporting.

The security guard with a tablet approached them, dressed in a navy-blue suit, with two others that accompanied him.

"Are you the bride to be?" clearly he had, especially from the way the girls had been dressed.

Eko being in an white backless sequin mini dress with her tiara and veil neatly in her brunette curls that was let out and pooling down her back.

The others adorning their little green, blue and gold dresses, bridesmaid sashes attached. There was nothing that screamed 'a simple night out' about them.

Eko looked to the girls who shrugged, then looked at one another then back at the gentleman who had addressed the four of them.

"Yes, I am. Is there a problem?" Eko replied politely and as sober as possible at that point

"Your party of four, Mya, Jesse and Jasmine?" pointing to the trio beside her.

Mya in blue and Jesse in green do their shamelessly barely there dresses, cocked their heads suspiciously.

"Sorry is there a problem here?" Jasmine in gold pushed forward grasping her matching tiara like Eko's own, ready to dial Sooki.

She had made the reservations for them, and she was getting irritated at the annoyance of questions and the line of questioning without any direct answers.

"No problem, ma'am. Follow me ladies. We have been expecting you and your party please follow me."

Turning on his heel, the two other gentlemen offered the girls forward.

Giggling Eko turned back to Jasmine, "might need to give Sooki a raise!"

Entering through the grand doors, they were immediately offered each a glass of champagne by someone else at the door and led through the crowd by their escort.

"We have reserved the Executive Longue suite, bottle of Bollinger will be in your suite, along with the festivities for the night in twenty minutes."

Wild eyes, the night took another amazing turn, and they are greeted with the music that resonated through their bodies as they followed the concierge.

They couldn't help but look around and take in the scene.

The floor was packed with people jumping and dancing to the lively beats of the music that the DJ was producing.

The lightning enhanced the mood by cycling through an array of colors, it swiped the air over head.

The soft lighting, illuminating the dance floor, created an ambiance of excitement as it pulsed to match the sound of each beat.

They were led to small set of stairs and then through the second level VIP longue until they reached a larger staircase where they were led to the even more exclusive private third level.

It was significantly less crowded, they had their own bar and bartender along with a DJ exclusively for the third level.

The entire floor was decorated in white and charcoal grey. The light fixtures overhead were constantly moving with soft illuminating blue, lavender and silvery white lights that created an effect of dancing stars across the private dance floor in the very center of the spacious area.

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