Chapter 163 | August 23rd | The House On The Hilltops

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Timeline - August 23rd - 6 weeks later

Intention is a universal language.

It is the law of gravity between two souls. Try, if you must, to fool the stars. Or each other. But this is an agreement four billion years old.

Because nothing can be kept from the salt in the sea, from the push and pull of right and wrong. Because it has never been about what you say but where you speak from.

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Eko vividly recalled their initial visit to this place; an outing that defied her expectations. Though they had set out for a hunting spree, intending to stretch their legs, that particular day unfolded in a manner distinct from the usual.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the world in the warm embrace of dusk, the couple found themselves navigating the late hours. Having recently returned from weeks away, celebrating the bliss of their marriage, her now husband had been a bit giddy with excitement. Matthew had been doting on her more than usual that day leaving Eko intrigued

He had wanted to surprise her, saying only that it was a gift.

Of course her interest piqued after their honeymoon about what possibly else he had in store for her. What else had he planned for them? With a swift tug of his powers, he covered her eyes, and suddenly, she felt her body descending into the midst of crisp, invigorating air, enveloped in mystery and anticipation.

"Matthew?" Eko giggled, and the man chuckled, withdrawing his hands from her face. The ambient air, saturated with the hues of the setting sun, gently embraced her senses, and her eyes fluttered open to the unfolding scene.

Before them stood a dilapidated house, appearing more in need of demolition than still standing on the hills. Its resilience puzzled Eko, and the reason for their presence here loomed as the day's most pressing question.

"Okkkkk?" she offered uncertainly, her husband stepping forward. With a release of his powers, tiny lights materialized, glowing and dancing from his palm, casting an enchanting illumination over the mysterious surroundings.

Despite the morose state of the house, Eko found a peculiar beauty in it. Perhaps, she mused, there was a lurking monster waiting for them to uncover, a creature unknown to her but familiar to Matthew. The idea wasn't too far-fetched, given his knowledge of monsters she had yet to encounter.

"It's haunted!" she gasped with excitement, taking a step forward. Matthew, still holding her hand, led the way towards the house. "Ghouls! YES!"

Matthew chuckled, bringing her closer to the eerie structure. "When I promised you," his voice began, "that we would get out of this, I meant it. This, Eko, this is where I want to live."

Turning to the man who had just made a profound statement, Eko regarded him with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

"Wait, what?" Eko laughed in surprise, her mouth open in shock. This wasn't at all what she had anticipated.

"This," he repeated, stepping forward and enveloping both of her hands in his own, "is what life will look like for us. I'll pass everything on to Jesse; she's on board. You and I will stop, breathe, and have our time over."

Eko surveyed the surroundings in disbelief; she could discern they were still on Isadora. The coastline hinted at somewhere on the east coast, with Isadora's capital visible in the distance. That meant Allegiant lay further to their south. As far as she knew, this entire coast was uninhabited.

"I don't?" she asked, her brows furrowing in confusion.

"I own this land."

"Oh, that I don't doubt," Eko murmured, taking in the picturesque view before her. The beach's coastline stretched just beyond the house, promising a mere stroll to the shore in a matter of minutes.

"It was meant to house the extension of Allegiant," Matthew confessed. "But I could never do it. There was something about here."

Matthew gazed towards the vast expanse of the beachfront, envisioning a future unfurling before him. Perhaps, when his days grew long and he needed solace, this would be where his bones found rest – a place that truly felt like home.

"It won't be for a while, but I know you have specific tastes. I understand what I've signed up for, so I wanted you on board when designing our home. If this is something you want, we can give it some thought and decide what we want here."

The vista before Eko transformed, taking shape with the emergence of trees, roses, and the vibrant greenery of the lush earth. A double-story house materialized, adorned with high ceilings and captivating water views. Majestic oak doors, sturdy and welcoming, stood ready to usher her into their abode.

Inside, dark oak floorboards complemented the homely furniture, filling the open living space. Glass windows lined the back of the house, offering a breathtaking view of the natural world beyond. Eko envisioned a wraparound deck, a space where they could linger for hours, soaking in the serenity after a long day.

As the land expanded before her eyes, the scene evoked a sense of wonder. The gates anchored them to this world—a home she had never imagined they would possess. It was all unfolding into the life she was about to share with him, a life she had once thought unattainable given their unconventional lifestyle.

But that's what this man in front of her does; with his gorgeous smiling mouth and extraordinarily clever, caring mind, he breathed life into the seemingly impossible. He made hope live in a world so full of darkness.

"And," Matthew's voice brought her back, continuing with excitement, "it's not like we have to travel far, so being out of the way of everything isn't an issue."

"Matthew," his name escaped from her lips in astonishment, her eyes impossibly wide as she stared at the land brimming with potential and love. Blue steel eyes narrowed, and she released her hands from his own, stepping forward to take in the house.

"Oh, shit," Matthew lamented inwardly; it was overwhelming. He observed Eko, her back now turned to him, the wind tousling her hair as she gazed at the sunset before her. He knew he had messed up.

"Babe, if it's too much right now? I understand that I've just thrown this on you."

Eko turned with a smile that radiated like a thousand suns for the man. "Yes! YES! Yes!" and then she jumped into his arms. She kissed him once, twice, thrice, before he gently pulled her back, marveling at her excitement.

"We can start everything here," Eko whispered, her eyes wide and full of hope.

His fingers slipped into hers as he pulled her back into him, "we can start a family here..."

"A family?" sky blue eyes were even wider if that was possible of what this man wanted with her, what he envisioned for their lives together.

"A family with you, Eko, yes. Whatever you want, I want it too."

Overwhelmed, the brunette released her grip on his hands and brought her hand to her mouth.

"Matthew!" her muffled voice emerged through tears of happiness, and he enveloped her within his arms once again, kissing her senselessly.

"I cannot believe this," Eko exclaimed, her excitement erupting in a blend of blissful tears and wonder.

Tonight, like many other times with this extraordinary man she now called her husband, was unexpected. She never knew where her life would lead when she was with him, and that unpredictability was what she loved most.

The unexpected day.

"A family?" Eko's eyes opened with affection as his words echoed within her, igniting a longing for it as well.

"Would you want that? Now that you're sober?" Matthew grinned.

Eko tilted her head, unsure about that statement. "Wait, what, sober?" she questioned, a mix of confusion and amusement in her expression. Suddenly, a memory she had thought was a dream began to make a lot of sense as it all came rushing back to her.

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