Chapter 139 | December 3rd | A Prisoners Escape

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Timeline - December 3rd | ( 8 Days later)

The sorceress's voice echoed through the chambers, an enraged cry that sent sparks of electricity flying. "I WANT HER FOUND!" she screeched, the intensity of her demand electrifying the air. "I WANT HER HEAD BEFORE ME NOW! FIND HER! FINDDD HERR!"

Her powers roared, creating an electric storm that surrounded her. A hapless servant was lifted high from the ground, the unfortunate creature had brought news that the girl had managed to escape with the crystals. She had made a swift getaway, vanishing within the magical confines of the grounds.

"YOU WILL ALL BE MADE TO SUFFER!" The sorceress's threat hung heavy in the air, a foreboding promise of punishment for those who failed to retrieve the elusive girl.

A gasp of air escaped the terrifying creature suspended in the air, while the youmas and monsters at her helm cowered in fear. "YOU INSOLENT, DISOBEDIENT FOOLS!"

The Sorcerer sat patiently, observing his wife unleash her fury once again, electricity jolting through the creature before them. Eventually, the intensity of her rage forced its body to explode, a gruesome consequence of her wrath.

The incensed enchantress was in no mood, and with a lowered hand, the sparks continued to surge through her entire body. Brilliant shades of white colors danced around her as Isis let out a shriek, surveying her surroundings in the room.

"WHERE IS EZRA!" her commands echoed through the grand room. "I WANT HER! I WANT HER NOW! BRING HER TO ME!"

Instantly, the delicate, fragile woman was forcefully pushed through the doors, her frail bones giving way as she collapsed to the ground from exhaustion and torment. She could barely muster the strength to lift her head to meet the gaze of the Sorceress before her, fully aware of the rage and wrath she was about to endure.

Ezra, however, clung to a mere glimmer of hope amid this reckoning.


A violent cough erupted as Ezra managed a smile towards the woman, "o-oh cours...e.. she will not save... me... I - saved my... c-child... fr-om yo-" but her words were abruptly silenced as the woman sent a powerful surge of electricity coursing through her.

"EZRA! Listen very carefully," Isis hissed in a meticulously crafted tone, gazing down at the battered woman with loathing and disgust. "Your filthy daughter took both of my crystals," then the electricity surged again, depleting the little reserves she had left. The dying woman had been desperately trying to hold onto everything she could, "WHERE DID SHE GO!?"

The electricity abruptly stopped, and Ezra, fearing the woman before her, fell forward slightly. She had been terrified that any form of defiance would result in her daughter being punished.

But, not now.

Now, her daughter was free.

A small laugh escaped Ezra's lips, infuriating the Sorceress. The smile transformed into a soul-deep belly laugh, revealing the satisfaction of knowing she had managed to get her daughter to safety, and that was all that mattered.

"Y-yo..u sh-ould no-t have b-e-en...carel..ess," Ezra didn't get to finish her sentence when Isis resumed the torture. The pain coursing through her body was unbearable, and the darkness was closing in on her life.

"I'll find her again as I always do when she escapes!" Isis barked, "my creatures will bring back her head this time!"

Ezra's eyes narrowed on the Sorceress, "y-you w-won...t .. find her..." With one last ounce of courage, she spat at the feet of the Sorceress. Isis did not take kindly to the gesture, reaching down, she wrapped her slick hands around Ezra's throat.

"I'll find your daughter!" she all but cackled in hysteria, "and you will watch from your seat in the afterlife as I tear her limb from limb."

"She..'s to...o s-sma...rt f..or y-y...ou," Ezra grinned, "s-she knows yo....u. Sh..e... w-won't com..e back... to me...She's g-gone th-is time. Wi-th... y-your"

"Don't be so sure, Ezra," the Sorceress smirked, "rats always come out of hiding. Just gotta light them up."

With the last laughter, Isis electrified the air, pushing her powers through the entire room.

The woman's desperate screams of agony were drowned out by the Sorceress's hysterical laughter.

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