Chapter 3

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Cassian got ready to leave early in the morning for the Alphas meeting.

It was just standard politics. All of the Alphas from the North district would gather to discuss any issues or anything they would like to brag about, all damn day.

At least when it used to be on Cassian's land, it made it easier to sneak off. He didn't have any desire to sit in a suit all day.

Plus, Northern Lock only had about four established businesses with only one restaurant, which was a very small diner. He really didn't want to have to be rubbing elbows with people, literally.

The other problem was Harlan. Cassian hadn't seen him since the last Alphas meeting a year ago, and even then, there had been enough space to keep his distance. Today was going to be a different story.

"Let's go, Beta, before we're late," Cassian huffed, watching Ellis scramble around.

"I'm sorry, man. Kathy isn't sleeping through the night anymore," Ellis consoled.

Cassian paused at the mention of the sweet little girl. "Is she sick? Should you stay home?"

"No, Alpha. It's normal, and you're right, we need to go."

They were the last to arrive at the diner, with two seats for them at the very end of the table. The room was loud and immediately Cassian felt a blistering headache.

"It's good to see you, Alpha and Beta Graywood," Alex said politely. He was the liaison for the meeting. He kept everyone on agenda and made notes for references. And if a pack chose to sign any sort of agreement, he would act as the third party witness. He was decent enough.

Cassian couldn't help but seek Harlan out in the crowd. He found him almost immediately. He was looking down at a paper in front of him. He looked unwell, and the thought bothered him.

He shook his head. He shouldn't give a fuck about Harlan. He abandoned him. His best friend, his only family.

His fists clenched. He really wanted to strike the middle of the table, or let his pacing wolf out. Instead, he had to sit still and listen to people bitch and whine.

"Good morning, Alphas," Alex said, standing at the front of the table. "Why don't we start by going around and introducing yourselves?"

Cassian inwardly groaned. Everyone attending this year was the same as the meeting a year ago.

Harlan finally looked up when he introduced himself, and once again, Cassian felt that something wasn't right. He had deep bags under his eyes, and his features looked sunken in. Was he sick?

Ellis nudged him, and he realized it was his turn to introduce himself.

The rest of the meeting was much the same, a bunch of back and forth and useless chatter. The diner food was alright, just greasy cheap platters with decent coffee.

It went for hours. It was early evening when they started to wrap things up.

The bell on the empty diner jingled. Locals had come and gone throughout the day, but they were in-between lunch and dinner, and it had been slow.

The girl who entered was slim, even with all of her layers. She had dark brown hair mostly hidden under her hat.

Cassian's wolf perked up at her smell. This was his mate. It couldn't be...

"It was great to see all of you. Thank you for a successful meeting. I'm looking forward to it next year," Alex said, dismissing everyone, just as the girl was leaving the diner.

"I'm going to run back," Cassian told Ellis, handing him his truck keys. He rushed to catch up with the girl.

Except he wasn't the only one. Harlan was on his tail.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Cassian growled as they got into the street. Harlan looked even worse up close.

"I'm going after my mate," he said.

"That girl is my mate, not yours." Cassian had never heard of someone having more than one mate.

"She is mine," Harlan pushed. "You better shut up before we lose sight of her."

Cassian let out another irritated growl, spinning around to find the girl way ahead of them. She disappeared into the trees, and he hurried to catch up with her.

"Wolves only have one mate," Cassian said as they walked quickly.

"If you have a problem with it, you can take it up with the Goddess herself," Harlan said, rolling his eyes.

"Dick," Cassian muttered.

"Jerk," Harlan retaliated with a huff.

The treeline swallowed them and the lovely scent of their mate. She was nowhere to be found.

Harlan accused, "You see what you did?"

"Me? It's your fault, ass-"

"Why are you two following me?" the girl asked, appearing behind them.

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