Chapter 9

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Harlan hadn't been on Graywood Pack land since the Alphas meeting last year, and Dotty was right. He could hear people whispering, feel the stares. They all thought poorly of him, and he knew his pack was the same way towards them.

He went into Cassian's house, a flood of nostalgic memories smacking him right in the face. His heart ached. He longed to be sixteen again with nothing to lose and the world on his side. He shook his head, clearing the thought.

He found Cassian in the basement, beating the hell out of an old punching bag.

"It really bothered Dotty when you left," he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It was stupid," he sighed, relaxing his frame. He picked up his t-shirt from the ground, pulling it over his heaving chest. "I wasn't thinking. She's right though. I'm not so sure my pack would be entirely open to you being around at this moment."

"Mine too," Harlan admitted softly.

"Imagine Dotty, being a female with two males. It's never been heard of, having two mates. We're going to have to be so proactive to make sure no one says shit about her."

"I know," he agreed. "That's why I think I have a solution. We should combine packs. We both can be Alphas and we can each have our own people to look after, but I need guidance. I can't do this on my own anymore. I am losing people and destroying my family's legacy."

Cassian wiped his forehead with the end of his t-shirt. "I should've been there for you right from the start."

"If we promote coming together, we can disband some of the rumors we've caused," Harlan finished.

Cassian went to the stairs, and Harlan followed him up to the kitchen. He poured himself a glass of water, sliding some orange juice Harlan's way.

Harlan felt his heart thud in his chest. "You remembered."

"Don't get your panties in a twist. It's always been your favorite drink, and you used to drink the whole half gallon straight from the bottle. Fucking disgusting." Cassian took a seat across from him.

Harlan let out a gentle laugh at the memory.

Cassian sighed. "You've always been the one to keep my anger at bay. I know it's hard to believe, but my wolf is calm around you. And over the past few years, I'm not sure I've been the most reasonable Alpha out there. I think combining would help me reestablish a relationship with my people."

"I also think that it would legitimize our relationship with Dotty, too," Harlan added.

"We could take that patch of land that our new home is sitting on and finally claim it, creating a massive territory. We can create a contract for our each individual parts of land."

"Some people won't be happy."

"You can't please everyone, Harlan," Cassian said. "We can help the one's that want to leave relocate with a different pack."

Harlan nodded in agreement.

They decided that the next step was to get their Betas involved, and then they would plan an announcement ceremony. Not only would they announce the combining of the packs, hopefully they would introduce Dotty informally as well, if that's what she chose.


Harlan and Cassian were working in the office of Cassian's home, trying to expedite things quickly so they could move forward.

"I never thought I would have a mate," Cassian said randomly into the silence.

Harlan lowered the lid to his laptop to give him his attention.

"I know," Harlan whispered. "Everyone assumed the bond was severed when you were born without family, like some kind of curse. I don't know why we ever believed it."

"Because everyone else did, even your parents. It's an old legend. An Alpha orphaned at birth will be cursed with no mate."

"I guess curses can be broken," Harlan offered thoughtfully. "Dotty is a true gift from our Goddess."

"If only I could stop screwing it up," Cassian frowned.

"You can't expect your anger to magically dissolve," Harlan whispered. "You just need to learn how to manage it, just like I am learning how to accept help. I don't want to work three jobs anymore. I deserve to spend time with our mate."

"You do deserve it," Cassian said, softening his voice to match Harlan's. "You've been through three lifetimes worth of shit, and I am so sorry that I was a terrible friend."

"I could've done better. I shouldn't have cut off the connection. I know my parents treated you like their own. You were my brother, Cassian. We should have supported each other through the loss, and I am sorry that I left you to deal with it on your own."

Cassian moved from his desk to the couch, dropping next to Harlan.

"I abandoned you when you needed me the most, but now we have Dotty and each other, and we're going to be stronger than ever."

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