Chapter 8

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The abandoned house was beyond charming, even with how depleted it was. It was set in a field with a cute fence. The large porch wrapped all the way around, and there were so many windows. Dotty was instantly in love.

The steps to the front door creaked under her weight.

"The family that built it ended up changing packs before they could move in," Cassian said. "I don't think they quite finished the inside, which probably works out for us since we won't have to deal with that big of a mess."

"And we can make it our own," Harlan chimed in.

"Hope you guys have some contractor friends," Dotty said as they stepped inside.

The house was an open concept with massive space for a sitting area with a fireplace, and an area for a large dining room table.

The kitchen was the biggest that Dotty had ever seen. There were no appliances or sink, but the countertops were beautiful, even under the thick layers of dust and cobwebs.

"There are no floors," Cassian sighed.

"There's no anything," Harlan said, letting out a large sneeze that startled Dotty.

She laughed softly. "It's so beautiful though. It's perfect."

"I know someone who can get us a good deal on flooring," Harlan said. "Good quality hardwood too."

"I could get this place cleaned and painted in no time," she said, feeling excited. She had been nervous about getting to know her mates, but she felt like they had placed a good foot forward. She could tell Harlan and Cassian had made some progress, and while they were no where near being close, they seemed to be semi-comfortable around each other.

The trio stepped back out into the crisp air.

"We could take turns between mine and Harlan's place until we get it fixed up," Cassian offered.

"I live in the pack house," Harlan said quietly.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Dotty said honestly to Cassian. "It's going to raise a lot of questions that I don't think any of us are ready to answer. It's too soon."

He was angry with her response, she could tell that much.

"You expect us to hide away with you in your rundown cabin that has no electricity or water?" His voice was low, his brows furrowed deeply, but she wasn't afraid of him.

"Did you even consider how your pack will react to Harlan being on your land? If your views were so skewed, I imagine tht everyone else's are the same. How do you think that will make him feel, Cassian?" she snapped.

Cassian turned away to let out a snarl.

"It's alright," Harlan said, trying to meditate, but Dotty was fired up.

"It's not alright," she huffed, pulled her hat lower over her ears. Her cheeks burned from the wind. "Both of you say you want this to work out, but this is way bigger than just the two of you. If you really wanted me as your mate and to live in this house, you would do something about it. I've lived in the town long enough to know there's more than just animosity between your packs."

Cassian growled, shifting into his beautiful wolf, and taking off into the trees..

Dotty let out a frustrated growl of her own.

Harlan's hand skimmed her back. "He knows you're right. He's always had trouble controlling his anger. I'll talk to him, I promise. For now, let's get you out of this cold."

He drove her back to the cabin. It was quiet, a bit awkward.

"I know that my people expected more from our neighbors when my family was killed. Everybody lost family that day, and I know they assumed Graywood would help us get back on our feet. Most hold resentment because of that."

Dotty sighed. "You both have some work to do. I'll clean up the mess of the house while you two fix your own mess."

Harlan nodded. "I'm excited and grateful to have you as my mate, Dotty, and so is Cassian. Don't ever doubt that for a second. We just have to work out the kinks."

"There's a lot of them," she said lightly, finally cracking a smile. His expression relaxed.

He rolled his eyes playfully. She moved to open the door, but he grabbed her arm gently.

"Give us a few days, alright? Don't give up on us," he whispered.

"I'm not going anywhere," she promised.

The cabin was freezing and dark when she stepped in. She was so frustrated. It had been such a good day.

Cassian's anger didn't bother her, it was the fact that he ran away when she was trying to talk to him. How were they going to accomplish anything if he didn't listen? All three of them had a temper, and it was going to be difficult for her remain level headed.

Something they didn't seem to understand was, if they didn't present themselves as a united front, she would be ridiculed. She already doubted her abilities to be a leader, standing alongside two strong Alphas. She couldn't handle being slut-shamed on top of all of it.

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