Chapter 28

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Harlan and Cassian had been gone for a week and Dotty missed them more than anything in the world.

Being around the pack during the summer was a lot of fun though. The intense winters had a lot of people sheltered in, but now, there were so many people and kids, and everything was green and beautiful. Dotty didn't realize how much she had missed that sense of community in her life until she was right in the middle of it all.

"Luna, we got that pit built in that clearing for tonight. I had some of the boys retrieve some wood to throw in it," Ellis said.

"Thank you, Beta," Dotty smiled. "Hopefully I will see you tonight?"

"I wouldn't miss out on hot dogs and s'mores," he grinned. "Although, it depends on Kathy's schedule. She chooses when she wants to sleep."

Dotty laughed. His daughter was a spitfire, just like her mother.

They had a bonfire planned for the pack tonight. There was going to be food, and maybe some music. Hopefully, it would be a good time. She was a little nervous since she was the one who planned it.

Home was exceptionally quiet and lonely without her mates. She ate most meals at the pack house since she didn't really cook, and that helped, but she could hardly sleep.

Harlan had left his phone behind for her to use while they were gone. She was able to video chat, and they called every night around the same time, but it made her feel worse when they hung up and she was all alone.


"There's our girl," Harlan cooed later that night, his face taking up most of the screen.

"Move your face," Cassian huffed, and Dotty smiled when she saw both of them appear.

"Someone looks sleepy," Harlan said. "How did the bonfire go, honey?"

"I think every single pack member showed up," she said. "We went through nearly three hundred hot dogs."

"See. You worried for nothing," Cassian smiled. "We're proud of you. Ellis and Jacob have talked so highly of your hard work this past week."

Harlan agreed. "And this time next week, we will be back home. It'll go by so fast, you'll see."

"I hope so," she whispered. "Miss you."

"We miss you more," Harlan said. He smiled a bit cheekily, and she could all but guess what he was going to say next. "What are you wearing right now?"

Dotty rolled her eyes. "I don't think that's your business."

Harlan nudged Cassian. "Ten bucks she's naked."

"I'm not naked," she laughed.

"We need proof so I can collect my money," Cassian said.

"Harlan is wearing off on you."

Dotty yawned. "I'm going to go shower and go to bed now. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Take us with you," Harlan said.

"Harlan," she laughed again, shaking her head. "Your phone would be ruined."

"You know it's been seven days and like twelve some hours since we have gotten to fu-"

Cassian cut him off, taking the phone. "Good night, angel. We love and miss you."


Dotty's basket was brimming with a variety of tomatoes. She squatted down next to one of the young girls who was helping her.

"Make sure they aren't too green. They need to be mostly bright red," she told her, showing her an example.

Another girl came bouncing around. Everyone was so full of energy this morning.

"Miss!" she yelled, gesturing her over. "I think some cucumbers are ready!"

The garden was in full swing. It was huge with rows and rows of every possible vegetable. Everyone took really good care of it, and they let the children pick the things that were ripe in the morning.

Summer was still early, but the amount of vegetables coming in was crazy. In a few weeks, everything would be ripe all at once.

"Once your baskets are full, take them into the house," she instructed.

The garden emptied, and Dotty picked up a few stray baskets and vegetables.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

Dotty spun around to find Harlan grinning down at her, and Cassian right next to him.

She crashed into his arms, wrapping around him tightly.

"Harlan," she beamed, beyond happy. "You weren't supposed to be back until tomorrow."

"I know, but we missed you so damn much," he said, lifting her off of her feet and rocking her back and forth.

He released her, and she moved to Cassian, who wasted no time kissing her, hard and rough.

Cassian let her breathe, brushing some of her hair out of her face.

"We're never leaving again," he rumbled.

She agreed with a soft laugh, reaching up for another kiss. She was the happiest she had ever been.

Dotty couldn't believe how much her life had changed. She had two Alpha mates that loved and adored her.

After being alone for so long, she never could have imagined how wonderful pack life could be. It was like having one big family, and nothing like what she had grown up in. She had been nervous about what people would think, having two mates, but everyone was welcoming and kind to her.

Harlan and Cassian were fair and honest leaders. They put their people before themselves.

They prioritized her. They showered her with affection. They allowed her to lead equally beside them, and she couldn't wait to see what their futures would hold.

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