Chapter 12

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Cassian glanced over the gathering crowd. He was pleased at the turnout, but he could see the divide his anger had caused. His pack members stayed distant from Harlan's, like oil and water. For the first time, he questioned the likelihood of this working out.

Harlan shifted his feet next to him, and Cassian moved his attention to him. He could tell he was terrified, even if he didn't show it.

Dotty was behind them, nodding along to whatever Jacob's mate was talking so animatedly about. It was the first time she had met their Betas, and she seemed to be getting along with everyone well. He was proud of her effort, and she was so damn beautiful.

She caught his eye and gave a little wave.

"It's going to be fine," Cassian told Harlan absentmindedly, focusing back on him. "This is best for everyone, especially our mate."

"I know you're right," he mumbled. "I just can't help but wonder what my brother or father would think of all this."

"They would know this decision wasn't made lightly."

Cassian glanced at his watch. It was time. He gestured Dotty over, and the trio climbed on top of the large platform made to be a makeshift stage.

"Good afternoon," Cassian boomed, his loud voice easily capturing every person's attention.

"First, we would like to thank members of my pack and North Ridge for attending today's meeting."

"I know the last few years haven't been easy for us," Harlan said. "We must work together so that today can be the turning point."

"I am aware that my anger may have reflected poorly on the North Ridge pack, and I'm sorry. Alpha Rhodes is right. Today will be the turning point for all of us. Today will be the official start of the Graywood Ridge pack, a merge of Graywood and North Ridge."

There were murmurs in the crowd at the announcement.

"I know a lot of you have questions," Harlan said. "This will not change much except politically and for those in ranks. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, or reunite with old friends, and allow us to establish a sense of community once again."

"Why?" someone yelled. "Don't you hate each other?"

Anger rushed through Cassian at the blatant disrespect. He scanned the crowd to find the voice.

"It's easy for your judgement to be clouded when you are mourning. Hate is a strong word. I never hated Alpha Graywood, and he never hated me," Harlan stated calmly.

It eased Cassian significantly to know that he was never hated. A part of him always assumed Harlan did. Harlan was the one who cut off connection with him, he must've. He knew there was so much more to the story now.

"There were a lot of different reasons, but the biggest is we share a mate." He stepped out of the way a bit so Dotty could be in view. She was nervous. He clasped her shaking hand with his.

"Let us hear a hoorah for your Alpha Female, Dotty!"


"If you have questions, you can find either of us or our Betas. We'd like to celebrate the good news at my pack house over lunch," Cassian finished.

Harlan got down first, lifting Dotty down off the platform by her hips.

"Are you okay?" Harlan asked her as she tucked securely into his side.

"Just a little overwhelmed," she admitted quietly.

"That's more than understandable," Cassian said. "We're so proud of you, baby. Today was a big step for all of us."

"We should have our own celebration," Harlan smiled a little cheekily.

"I don't think painting an entire house counts as a celebration," Dotty teased, finally smiling her pretty smile.

"I'll count it," Cassian shrugged. "Come on. Let's get out of this cold."


Dotty dropped onto the floor with a sigh. They finally finished painting. After the ceremony yesterday, they painted all evening until they ran out paint. It was already past five o'clock and Harlan and Cassian were finishing up their bedroom. Dotty did not want to see or smell paint ever again.

"You good down there?" Harlan asked as Dotty moved to lay on her back.

"Not really," she said, covering her face with her arms. "This house is too big."

Cassian chuckled. "It's all done now. We can finally get our appliances and furniture in here. Isn't that good news?"

Even with her complaining, she couldn't help but smile at the thought. All of this hard work was going to pay off. She was going to be able to live with her mates, her best friends. The house was gorgeous, and she couldn't wait to decorate it.

"Maybe we could sleep at Cassian's tonight?" Harlan asked softly, directing the question mostly towards her.

She sat back up. "I was thinking that. I was a little afraid to ask. I know that I-"

Cassian dropped down next to her. "You shouldn't be afraid to ask us anything. You were right last time, about the pack not being welcoming to Harlan, but we've made efforts to correct the issue. It's okay to change your mind if that's what you want."

She nodded.

"We could cook dinner together," Cassian said. "I think I have steaks."

"Sounds good to me," Harlan agreed, finally finishing the last wall. He was almost positive his arms were going to fall off.

"You could look around and see what furniture you wanted to keep, or if you want to get everything new," Cassian nudged her, before helping Harlan clean up their mess of brushes and trays.

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