Fun facts about my AU

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So if  your wondering what this is about it just me going to explain my AU basically my verison on Heathers ofc none of these are Canon but this is just my universe with the characters and personality and etc.


1. All the Heathers parents are friends that actually how they met cause there parents are friends except Veronica's parents they don't know the Heathers parents very well.

2. Heather McNamara dad's makes engagement rings (that is canon)
Heather Chandler parents own a big Oil company.
Heather Duke her Dad is a pilot and her mom is a chef.
Veronica parents are both Elementary School teachers.

3. All the Heathers ( except Veronica) have all been best friends sense they were 6 years old but there friendships didn't get toxic until middle school.

4. Veronica Is a Capricorn
     Heather C is a Gemini
     Heather D is a Aries
     Heather M is a Cancer
(fun fact I'm a cancer)

5. Heather Duke hates bugs she just hates them she would definitely spray a whole can of bug spray on one poor ant.

6. Heather Duke actually worn red once when everyone was still alive back in there freshmen year for valentine day Dukie worn red and Chandler screamed at her and Duke never worn red sense until after Chandler died.

7. Heather Chandler hates the color orange she thinks it a tacky color and just plain out ugly.

8. Mackie as been with Ram and Kurt like dating wise but she still see Kurt to time to time.

9. Mackie ain't a "cinnamon roll" in my AU Ik I make her sound like one I don't try to but that just how it turns out Mackie isn't innocent she just as guilty as the other Heathers for bullying and other things.

10. None of the Heathers have siblings except Duke and Mackie. (This is my head canon ignore if you want too)Duke has a older sister that is in college and the "perfect child" in her parents words yeah Dukie doesn't feel good enough at home so that's why she extra mean at school sometimes cause she feel like she belongs there. Mackie as two older brother one of them passed away and the other one is in the Navy and she never see him.

11. Veronica loves comic books Martha got her to read one and then after that she was hooked.

12. All the Heathers are 17

13. None of the Heathers are nice people

14. Chandler doesn't hate Dukie she never as she just gets easily annoyed by her and feels like Duke going to ruin everything.

15. All the Heathers have a complicated dating history except for Veronica she as only had 1 bf and that was J.D and he went boom boom.

16. Before Heathers started doing color coded they would always wear bright shiny clothes that were super expensive and would show off.

17. The Heathers didn't start being really popular until the freshmen year when Chandler got with the captain of the football team.

18. Chandler wears a scrunchie Mackie wears a bow and Duke wear a ribbon. And Veronica is just there 🥲.

19. Veronica and Mackie love holidays and will decorate everything in the house to pure perfection. Chandler and Duke just get there Maids to do it but Mackie and Veronica think it more fun to do it by themselves.

20. Chandler hates everyone and think everyone loves her but that ain't true they just are scared of her and most of them hate her for having being so pouplar.

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