Chapter 2: Catholic girls and Blow

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I have the song linked in the video about but I'll let you know when to play it. It's the slowed down version of Lay Me Down by Steve Lacy. The song is just so 😩😫

~FYI this chapter will have mature themes such as drug usage and of course heavy smut. It is quite the long chapter. I've been working on it and wanting everything to be detailed. Also leave your thoughts in the comments. Anyways enjoy 🦋~

The man's fingers still wrapped around her wrist. Misty just wanted to get back to her friends now, this was starting to become worrying. What if Darla was worried about her? Whatever he wanted it was no good. He still stared down at the young girl intensely, what did he want? A moment of silence went between them as they stood.

She quickly looked around to see Darla now sitting in Robert Plants lap giggling while he spoke into her ear. Her face tickled pink.

" How did such a sweet little minx like you end up here? Tell me darling what's your name?" He spoke with his thick accent.

Finally he spoke, quite the soft voice he had. But there was an undertone she couldn't quite understand behind it.His eyes dark and piercing through her in a way she'd never felt before. How they burned right through her. It made her want to hide, her skin crawled. She gulped nervously before looking back at him. There was something about him so dark that had her wanting to squirm away. But he held her in his grasp keeping her there.

" My names M-Misty. What is your name sir?" She spoke timidly.

The corners of his mouth turned upwards as he moved in a little closer. She could tell from the look on his face he enjoyed  the nervousness. It was as if she was his prey and he the predator. She prayed that he couldn't hear  her raging heart beat. Her heart was pounding heavily against her ribcage like drums. It felt very much cat and mouse like.His  arm now snaked  around her waist bringing her in closer to his lean frame. His large hand on the dip of her back as he closed the space between them.

"The name is Jimmy, Jimmy Page to you." He whispered in her ear.

He left his lips lingering for a few seconds besides her earr.Ever so lightly pressed against her cartilage. His breathy whisper sent shivers down her spine. Something about it made the shorter girl very nervous. A man had never been this close to her  before, never had she been in such a position with anyone. So this was the Jimmy Page, the one written about in the papers. The wild man who dabbled with groupies and with the evil arts. God he was actually quite attractive up close she thought. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating, it smelt fresh and clean with a hint of bergamot.

" Misty such a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl. Why have I never seen you before love?" He asked.

Her face ignited a shade of rouge, beautiful? How did he know I was new here? How long had he been watching me?

"Thank you Sir, this is my first time coming out here. My friend had drug me along. Um I normally don't do stuff like this." She rebutted.

It was so noticeable how new she was here, she looked so tense and something about her just screamed it wasn't her scene hell she looked like a lost puppy here. Just staring around with her wide set for eyes. Most of the faces that came were the same people, everyone knew each other. Someone like Misty stuck out like a sore thumb.

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