Chapter 20: Lying Eyes and Shocking Revelations

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A/N: Sometimes I have to reread this whole book to get me back on track. If I do not update frequently it's not because I've lost interest at all! I have not and I don't want it to come off that way because I don't update the way I did. My job consumes my life and that has to be my first priority outside of my creative outlet. In order to succeed I have to do a lot of studying and work 6 days a week. 

I get so tired I just don't wanna do anything it's nothing personal.Not being able to write as much because I work a lot is wee bit not fun. So for now I've been settling with reading The Laws Of Human Nature. But I'm gonna trying to get 30 minutes of writing when I can.My brain gets clogged with all these ideas and not being able to get them out sucks.Sometimes you've gotta sacrifice certain things and compromise. It's a lot to balance and I'm trying to find that balance. Balances in life are very healthy to have along with boundaries. I was also spending a lot of time with my ex btw.

I'm ngl I am sad but trying not to gaf . I feel depressed and so sad right now and I've been isolating for the past two days. I'm now finishing on Christmas and I feel so torn and my anxiety is eating me up. It's not the same being so far from my family and friends.

 Jimmy's POV

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Jimmy's POV

I could tell something was amiss because Misty was very quiet now. She just had this look on her face of I wouldn't say terror but rather something terrible was consuming her. I did try to ask her what was going on but she was short with me. Giving me one worded answers and I knew at that point there was definitely something wrong. But she wouldn't tell me, she just chucked it up to something else. But I could tell her eyes spoke a different story than her mouth led on. They said your eyes were the window to your soul. They were what truly spoke when your mouth couldn't Her mouth lied and her eyes spoke the truth.

There was something she wasn't telling me.Her mood became rather irritated and her tone short and sharp. What had gotten into her? Did I do something? Was she still mad about the orange juice? I couldn't find a viable reason for her mood. We were now on our way to the rehearsal, all of us in the limousine packed tightly. All of us were talking but Misty. She just looked out the window besides me. It was as if she was one of the characters in a movie. Someone who was longing to break free from their current thoughts. Looking out the window for some relief.

My hand holding hers but she didn't grip mine like usual. I tried not to let it bother me. Just holding onto her soft still hand.But she just wasn't affectionate all of a sudden.Everybody was carrying on conversation of all sorts of things. Excitement to play again after a break from coming home, what we were going to do after. The outfits we would wear and just about anything. But I was drained away from the conversation because I was worried about her.

Why she seemed distant, she never really was. But when she was it was because of something going on. Normally she always told me everything but not this time.I was going to find out what it was she was dealing with. I wanted to support her and be there to help, but how could I when she didn't confide in me? To bring her comfort and some sort of relief. I was her boyfriend and I'd do anything to make her shine again.I loved her and all I wanted to do was help. Ever since we left the hospital she just was indifferent. She wasn't the Misty I normally woke up to everyday. Talkative and radiating like the many stars in the sky. She was as cold as space.

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