Chapter 13: Absences,Comforting Touches and Lies PT 1

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A/N: I love this picture I just found it. I'm putting myself in a sad mood for y'all to write this. Bringing out my own feelings to write into this.  My own struggles I've went through. I'm listening to Beach house currently Silver Soul. If y'all need a crying album Depression Cherry by Beach House is amazing.  Don't play the song in this until Misty's part comes along. This chapter is going to delve into Misty's mental health and her struggle with it a bit. She's a very deep character!As someone who struggles with mental health herself I think it's good to write about it! It's therapeutic for me.  It's also going to turn out sweet.

Third POV

Darla, Peter, Robert, Jones and Bonham still in the club. They were scurrying around the crowded club looking for the two missing people. None of them had seen Jimmy or Misty for about an hour and it was getting late. Where could they have gone? Confusion left them all wondering what happened? This was unusual of Jimmy to just leave without a word.

They all came back together in a group at the front of the club close to the bar.All out of breath from running around and checking every area of the building.

"Anybody find them?" Peter asked as he looked at them.

Peter looked quite irritated and worried. He didn't like funny business and where was Jimmy? Jones arms crossed as he stood in his platforms giving him more height. They were at this point a little annoyed with Jimmy. Bonham off his rocker still looking around.

"No I haven't seen them at all and I looked everywhere. Not a sign of either here." Jones spoke.

Darla felt worried sick, she just knew there was something wrong. Darla remembered that man who followed behind Misty, maybe he would know where she was at. She peered around the room looking for the young man. Her eyes stopped in the direction of the bar spotting him.

"I'll be back I'm gonna ask that guy over there. I saw him following behind Misty when she went to dance." Darla said and excused herself.

"I'll be right behind you guys stay here. I'll be back real quick." Robert said before turning on his heels to follow her.

The club still alive with people dancing, not as many though considering it was getting late. The crowd around them indulging in drugs, booze and a hypnotic rhythm. It was as if the music controlled them. Robert found his hand in hers as she guided him towards the bar. They were met with the same man dressed in all black she saw earlier. But this time there was something different about him.

"Not to interrupt you sir but I was wondering if you knew where my friend was? I saw you following behind her earlier."Darla said.

The man was crouched over with a short glass in his right hand clenching it. He turned his head to be faced with the two. She noticed his nose was swollen a bit and napkins soaked with blood hung from his nostrils.

"What did she look like?" He spoke.

Darla was trying hard to not stare at the man's injuries. She wondered what happened. How his once pretty face was now a little distorted.

"Well she's a young girl looks no older than eighteen. She was wearing  a short blue leather skirt that had rings on the end of it. She was wearing a sparkly silver loose shirt and her hair was brown and parted down the middle. Does that sound familiar to you?"Robert inserted.

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