Chapter 19: Vodka Orange Juice And Unsuspected Life

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A/N: Y'all are going to be hot with me because of this chapter. I'm just letting y'all know now! Don't yell at
Me! I'd planned this when I started writing but didn't
Know when I'd make it happen. Also I love the Internet (the band).

Jimmy's POV

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Jimmy's POV

I found myself struggling to still process what I saw yesterday. What I saw happening before my eyes in The House of Ash.I couldn't wipe the image out of my mind of Misty looking so helpless before her mother on the floor. Her mother belittling her daughter on the floor as she touched her face. It was the ultimate betrayal from a parent to child.The way Misty looked so defeated and her facial expression so beyond help. It disturbed me. The whole thing did.

Her mother's cold and calculating words echoing in the living room. Things like that I only saw in the movies but never in real life. I'd never been around people like that, after seeing that. It made me want to keep her away from them. Everything making sense now, every time I got up Misty would beg me to stay in bed. I had turned down going out with the guys to stay in. Of course they were curious and I said Misty was just feeling sick. I think Robert could tell there was something more along with Darla. But neither intruded or pestered to know why. I told them she wasn't feeling well and she said she needed me with her.

Which it wasn't a lie... Mentally she wasn't well yesterday and she didn't really eat much. Which worried me especially after telling me about a past eating disorder she had. But she chalked it up to being too down to eat. She promised me she wasn't like that anymore and I believed her. I could tell when she lied because she wouldn't look at me or she'd fidget with her hands. She was telling the truth. But I still wanted her to try and eat. She also had a scratch and mark on her cheek from where her mother slapped her. I had to put ointment on it incase it became infected.She told me not to let anyone see her. I would do whatever it was she wanted me to.

But I don't know if that would work when it came to Darla. I did need to leave today for practice for the charity event we had in five days.  Darla I assumed would stay back with Misty, both of them liked to stay back at times. Misty would more than likely show when the event was actually taking place. I asked if she could be there for me in support. I also told her she'd be in a safer area watching with Darla. They'd be far from the fans indeed.

She said she would go. I'd been laying in bed most of the morning with Misty just watching black and white movies. I enjoyed them a lot, Dracula was currently on. She was doing much better this morning after yesterday. You could tell she was still a little exhausted emotionally after that.Misty laying in my arms as she always did just watching. She was tucked away like a shy child with her face nuzzled in my neck. Her needing me brought value no matter what it was to this mere life I lived. I lived an indulgent hedonistic life. But with her she brought a soft balance to it. The music, the guys and her were my joys in the life I lived.

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