Chapter 15: The Blue Star Diner

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A/N: YALL WILL GET YOUR MAGIC CHAPTER JUST NOT THIS ONE. This is a filler! Just something cute. This chapter really has nothing to do with the boys at all! I just love this song so much this was what I was listening to. I'm a huge Steve Lacy fan oml such a handsome man. Reminds me of being in the car with my cousin who's like a sister and we're just in the car singing loudly having the time of our lives screaming to it. I love the funkiness of it 🥺


Misty's POV

 A knock came at the door, Darla was here

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A knock came at the door, Darla was here. I felt a rising sense of anticipation as I opened the door to my room. There she stood dressed down in what looked like pajamas. Her night gown was a baby yellow with a light pink rose placed in the center of  the scoop neck styled nightgown.Fuzzy white slippers adorned her feet, and her hair braided into to pig tails that laid behind her. Her face freshly cleaned and with a dewey glow.

She gave me that familiar warm smile and I let her in. The first thing she did was give me a big warm hug. I returned the gesture back. She smelled sweet like brown sugar and vanilla. She'd been using that scent ever since I could remember. She liked dessert scents and I liked floral ones.

"It's so nice to see you, I was worried so much about you." She said as I closed the door behind her.

"I'm sorry if I worried you I didn't mean to. Come in and take a seat! Do you need anything like water or a snack? Coffee? Tea? I offered.

"Oh no I'm good for now the baby and I already had a little snack before I came down. Thank you for offering.Now come sit."She said as she flicked her hand.

Darla was quick to make herself home by sitting on the bed. She patted the spot besides her with a smile it reminded me of when we used to be at her house and she'd always do that and then we'd talk for hours. Gossiping about whatever was on our mind, going through teen bop magazine and picking out our favorites. Kissing the magazine and saying he's mine. It was funny to think about.

I'll never forget when we got ahold of a Led Zeppelin I vinyl. That was the first time I saw Jimmy's face which was in 1969. I was about fourteen and a half. His hair was longer and he had this smoldering look about him. It was so funny because now look at me I was with him. She took a fancy primarily to Robert and John Paul Jones. I wouldn't lie if I didn't like Jimmy I might've choose John myself. But I was shy so lord knows if that would've happened. But his nature was soft and he had a kindred spirit to him.

Her smile so warm you couldn't help but to smile yourself. She had that fire like spark about her I loved. I felt like we'd been so busy because of our separate lives. Both of us dating but she was pregnant ready to start a family. It wasn't like when we used to live two blocks away from each other. Unless the guys were all together we were hours apart from one another.
I plopped my body on the bed besides her laying down with my legs hanging off the bed. She turned her head to look down at me.

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