Chapter 12: Jealousy Jealousy PT 2

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You guys should know if I do a part 2 the second part is always going to be short. Again this is going to be messy. It's going to be a rough chapter. There might be a little violence. I do not condone the actions at all by the way!
I also love this song but I thought it was right to choose the slower version. It fits the club scene even though it's not 70s styled. It's also a song I'm obsessed with rn. Just play it as you read! 

Jimmy's POV

 The club was booming with people of all races

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The club was booming with people of all races. It was like a melting pot in here, everyone of different orientations in here. I enjoyed the acceptance of it. The air was swell with pheromones of all sorts. All different type of smells coming from within. My senses a little overwhelmed by it. I felt a bit dazed from the coke but that wouldn't deter me from my quest.I found myself walking around the club floor like a pirate searching for his treasure. Where was she? Women took notice of me trying to grab my gaze. Touching at me greedily with their slithering hands. Trying to lure me in like a siren did to sailors.They would call to me and I would simply smile and ignore it. Brushing past the zombies of people. I was not here on the floor to dance with these women. To get to know who they were.

I was here to find my Misty. I felt frustration rise like the sun at dusk as I couldn't seem to locate her. Where was she? It seemed as if she was swallowed by the crowd and disappeared. It was hard to see anyone it was so tight in here. It was way hotter on the floor then over in the private area we were at. She couldn't have left she  for would've told me. I was looking all around for her and I couldn't see her.

It was so dark in here as well only flashing lights illuminated the dark room. It was chaotic at the least to say. The room painted with different colors, it was beautiful. Something about the scene was something other worldly like a movie. But no this was real life. The music blaring through the atmosphere almost as if it was an eagle soaring through the air with its wings spread wide. Shedding its energy onto the crowd of people below.

The people around me hypnotized in their dancing and drug fueled status. They were entranced like a cobra swaying to the sound of  a beautiful flute played by a snake charmer.The rhythm spreading through each other like a plague. My eyes darting through the crowd looking for my Scorpio. Where was my girl at? The question oozing through my mind so infectious. Concern riddling through my body so cancerous it was. The air was thick and I found myself taking breaths in like they would be the last. It was a sticky and hot environment.

A bad feeling rotting inside me like food poison. I was worried, she was nowhere to be found yet. She couldn't have left without me. For I would know if she did, she was always so responsible when it came to telling me things. She was somewhere in here lost and it was now my main concern to find my hidden beauty. I would seek her out even if it would be like finding a needle in a hay stack.

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