16. Wanting

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Holly died that evening. It didn't matter how hard Denise tried, she had just lost too much blood. Hannah knew how hard Denise would take it before it even happened. While a flat beeping sound played in the background, Denise asked them all to leave, allowing her and Tara a moment. Hannah was glad they each had someone to lean on.

Hannah walked cautiously outside, moving slowly so as to not disturb her injuries. She just wanted to get home. She would go inside, clean up whatever mess was left over from the fight, and lie down. She didn't want to look at herself, she didn't want to see the bloodstained clothes and sticky gauze that she now wore. When Hannah reached her door, however, she paused. Was she ready to go back inside? Of course, she was, Hannah thought, nothing bad had really happened to her. She had seen people die for God's sake, she could push herself inside her own home. She could be strong enough. Hannah gripped the door handle tightly and turned, coming face to face with Carl Grimes.

Hannah let out a gasp, "Carl?"

He stood still in front of Hannah, his body bent down slightly by the nearby window. In his hands were shards of fallen glass, scooped neatly into small piles in his soft palms.

"Hannah," He stood quickly now as if he was surprised to see her in her own home.

"Carl, how did you get in here?" That was all Hannah could think to say, suddenly more conscious of her appearance.

"I just," Carl deposited the pile of glass into a new pile on the windowsill, "I heard what happened. I just wanted to check on you, see if you were okay." He wiped his hands on his dark jeans.

"Oh," Hannah spoke. She hadn't expected that.

"So are you?" Carl moved closer now, stepping away from the window, "Are you okay?" His eyes were filled with a genuine concern that Hannah hadn't recognized. Though, as she continued to stare at him, Hannah found that it was the same look he had given her in the woods. It was comforting.

"I'm fine, Carl." She moved past the boy.

"You got stabbed," He said, somewhat exasperated now.

"I know," Hannah said without turning, "but I'm fine now."

"Hannah--" Carl started.

"I need to clean up, okay?" She turned to him.

Carl gestured to the window slightly, "I already started. It was crazy when I got here."

That was it for Hannah. He had come to her house and cleaned for her. He went to check on her and, when she wasn't home, he cleaned for her. Hannah didn't know what to say. Hannah didn't know what that meant.

"Carl I," She paused, sighing, "Thank you, really. But you didn't have to do that. You should go be with Judith. Or your dad. I'm sure he needs help. I'm just gonna go rest, okay."

"Alone?" Carl said simply.


"Well, what if something happens?"


"No, I'm serious. Just, just stay with me for a little bit. I have to go talk to Ron anyway. Come with me. Please."

"Carl, you really don't have to do that. I'll be fine." Hannah tried to convince both the boy and herself.

"I want you to." His eyes were serious.

Hannah thought about it.



Carl explained to Hannah that Enid left just before the attack. She wasn't exactly surprised, she always knew that one of Enid's trips would end with her not coming back. But, admittedly, Hannah hadn't expected it to happen so soon. Carl told her that he planned on going out to look for Enid, something Hannah herself had thought about when he told her.

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