Chapter 2

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Wanda Maximoff

I am peacefully sleeping when I feel Peter toss and turn around. I open my eyes and look over at him. " Wanda, no," He whispers. He's having a nightmare. I scoot closer to him and run my fingers through his hair. " It's ok Pete, I'm here," I tell him softly. Peter starts trashing around in the bed and I cup his face. He is sobbing by now, crying out my name. " Wanda no! Stay with me, I'm sorry," He whimpers. " Peter, I'm right here baby," I exclaim. He shoots up in bed and looks around. His eyes land on me and he throws himself into my arms. His head is against my chest, listening to my heartbeat.

" It's okay, it's okay. It was just a nightmare," I assure him. " I couldn't catch you. I was too late," He frowns. I shake my head, " You weren't. I'm right here. I'm okay. You're okay. It wasn't real." I say softly. He looks into my eyes and nods. " I'm sorry I woke you up," He mumbles. " It's okay Peter, really. Do you wanna go back to sleep." He nods hesitantly and we lay down again. He has a tight grip around me and I am practically on top of him because of how close he's holding me. But that's okay. If it makes him feel better, that's all that matters.

* the next morning*

Peter and I wake up to knocking at the bedroom door. I have my leg draped over Peter, my hand is resting on his bare chest. I am only wearing his shirt and underwear. He's only wearing his boxers. Peter has his arms wrapped around me, and his grip tightens as the door opens. " Peter, Wanda. Time to get up. I'm off to work, and I made breakfast for you both," May speaks. Peter groans and pulls me closer to him. " Thank you May," I yawn while cuddling closer to Peter.

She closes the door and I sigh. I look up at Peter who has gone back to sleep. I slowly move out of his grip luckily he doesn't wake up. I leave the room and walk into the kitchen. I make myself some tea and sit at the table. I hear Peter walk into the room and I smile at him. " Hi," I speak, he kisses my hair. " Hey, good morning," He yawns. Peter is not a morning person whatsoever. He plops down on the couch and I giggle. I stand up and walk over to him.

I sit down next to him and he lays his head on my lap. I play with his hair and he smiles. " I love you," He says. " I love you too," I grin. Suddenly my phone starts ringing. I sigh and look at the caller. It's Gwen. " Hey girl, what's up," I speak into the phone. " Wanda, I need you to come to Oscorp. I gotta talk to you about something," She whispers frantically into the phone. " Is something wrong," I ask while sitting up. " I'll tell you when you get here," She replies. She hangs up and I look at Peter. " I have to go, Gwen needs to talk to me," I sigh.

Peter sits up and I stand up. I peck his lips and start to pull away but he pushes his lips against mine again. I pull away with a blush and he smirks. " Love you," He whispers. " Love you more," I giggle.


I am walking through the Oscorp building. Gwen said to meet her on the 63rd floor. I see the elevator closing so I exclaim," Wait! Hold it please!" The person in the elevator puts his hand out and I run through. " Thank you so much," I tell him. He is tall with dark skin and glasses. " What floor," The elevator lady asks. " Um si-," I start to say but the man interrupts me. " I got it, what floor," He asks me. " Sixty three," I reply. He states the floor and we start moving. He glances at me and says," I'm Max." " Wanda," I respond with a soft smile. I look at what's in his hand. There is a happy birthday card. " Is it your birthday," I blurt out. He looks at me, then back at the card. " Oh yeah, I'm having a big know. A bunch of celebrities and friends. I'd invite you but..the list is pretty full," He says nervously.

I nod, " Right. Right." The news is playing on the elevator TV. It's talking about Spiderman and The Scarlet Witch. " Spiderman saved me one day. He said he needed me," Max tells me with a large smile. " I'm sure he does need you. You seem very smart," I reply softly. The elevator opens and I walk out. " See you around Max," I speak before walking away.

I walk towards where Gwen asked me to meet and she is in the room pacing back and forth. " Wanda! There you are," She exclaims. I walk over to her and hug her. " What's wrong," I ask. " It's about Harry...his dad died today," She sighs. My jaw drops and she nods. " I mean he hated his dad. His dad was always a dick to him. But he was still his dad. He called me and told me. I asked him if he wanted me to come over but he just said no. I'm so worried about him, he's devastated," Gwen says frantically.

" How about after work. Me, you, and Peter can go to his house and try to comfort him," I suggest. She nods and I look around. " I haven't been here since I almost fell off the building," I chuckle. She snorts and covers her face. " I can't believe you almost fell of a building," She laughs. I laugh as well and she shakes her head. " What are you doing today," Gwen asks. " I'm not sure. Probably hanging out with Peter," I shrug. " Speaking of Peter...he got into college, right," Gwen asks me. I nod," Yes he did. I'm very happy for him." She raises her eyebrows, " Are you guys gonna do long distance or what? Did you apply for a college?"

I shake my head, " We haven't really talked about what will happen. I guess we just are winging it. But I didn't apply for a college. I can't bring myself to do it. I don't have enough money, also my powers makes everything harder." She nods, " Understandable. Well you might want to talk to him. You guys only have the summer to figure everything out," Gwen tells me.

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