Chapter 4

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Peter Parker

Wanda just left. Leaving me standing there in shock. I walk upstairs and plop down on my bed. I look at the ceiling then look towards my closet. My parents death has been getting to me lately. I've been thinking about it a lot. I stand up and walk to the closet. I grab my father's brief case and pour the things that were in there onto the floor. I need this as a distraction.


I walk downstairs and see Aunt May sitting at the table reading the newspaper. " Hi honey! What are you up to," She asks with a smile. " Nothing, I've just been...doing stuff in my room," I shrug. She hums and looks towards the stairs, she furrows her eyebrows and I immediately know what's coming. " Where's Wanda," She questions. " She left. We got into a fight," I sigh while sitting in front of her. " Oh my. Where did she go, are you okay," May says. " She went to Gwen's...and yeah...I'm fine. I just miss her already," I mumble. Aunt May grabs my hand, " Peter, honey. I don't know what the fight was about, and I'm not going to ask. But I'm sure you two will talk it out. I've seen you guys together for over a year now, and it's obvious you are meant for each other. Don't worry, everything will be right in the end," May assures me.

I smile at her and she does the same back.

Wanda Maximoff

I have finally gotten to Gwen's house. I walk up to the door of the apartment. I cried almost the whole way here, and it's freezing outside. I knock on the door and luckily Gwen opens it. " Hey- Oh my god Wanda what happened to you," Gwen gasps. She pulls me inside and takes me to her room. I don't say a word the entire time. I set on her bed and fiddle with my fingers. " Peter and I got into a fight," I sigh. She sits next to me and rubs my back in a comforting manner. " Over what," She asks. " We disagreed on what should have happened during the fight with Max Dillon," I tell her. " I saw that on the news. You wanted to help him," Gwen states. I nod, " Yeah..." Gwen sighs and bites her lip, " Well Wands. I'm sure you two will talk it out. You always do. You guys are meant for each other," Gwen assures me.

I smile slightly and she smiles a little bigger. " Go clean yourself up then we should watch a movie to cheer you up," Gwen suggests. I nod and walk to the bathroom. I close the door and immediately look into the mirror. There is mascara smeared all under my eyes. My hair is a mess. My eyes are red rimmed, actually my whole face is pretty red due to the cold.

I wash my face and fix myself up. Then I go back into Gwen's room. I sit on her bed and we both cover up. She puts on a movie and as we are watching I think about what's Gwen said. " You guys are meant for each other." I need to talk to Peter tomorrow.


I am walking back to Peter's place, well actually I'm already here. I'm just standing in front of the door trying to think of what to say. Suddenly the door opens and Peter is standing there. He only has jeans on, no shirt. I suck in a breath and look into his eyes instead of his chest. " Hi," I whisper softly, Peter clears his throat. " Hi," He responds quietly, we look into each other's eyes for a few moments. I don't think either of us know what to say. Peter moves out of the way so I can walk in and I do.

He closes the door and I realize I'm checking Peter out. I think he is doing the same to me as well though. Gwen insisted I borrow some of her close. So I am wearing a small black skirt and a pink long sleeved crop top. Definitely not my usual style, but I also didn't want to be seen walking around in pajama pants and a tank top. Suddenly Peter smashes his lips against mine. I gasp but return the passionate kiss.

Peter puts his hands on my waist and pulls me closer to him. The kiss is getting hungrier and my heart beat is speeding up. " I'm sorry," Peter mumbles against my lips. " I," I say in between kisses. He picks me up by my thighs and we go upstairs. He shoots a web at the door handle and closes it. We walk over to the bed and Peter lays me down. He takes off my shirt, revealing my black lace bra. Peter starts kissing my neck and I breathe heavily while running my fingers through his hair. " Peter," I whimper.


Peter and I are in bed, still bare from earlier. My head is resting on his chest and his fingers are running through my hair. " I'm sorry...about everything that happened yesterday. I shouldn't have been so focused on helping him and been focused on helping everybody else there," I state. " I'm sorry too. I was being inconsiderate of Max's situation. I was too focused on everything else. I think we both just need to much our issues together so we can be on the same page," Peter chuckles. I do as well and nod. " You're right. I'm just glad we're okay. It wasn't even 24 hours and we were both miserable," I giggle. Peter kisses my hair, " Proves that we're meant for each other then."

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