Chapter 5

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Wanda Maximoff

I am walking down the street with my hands in my pockets. Peter asked me to meet him at a coffee shop, with a winky face emoji by the way. After being with Peter for over a year I know his emotions like the back of my hand. But it's easier to decipher over text. With Peter a winky face usually means he either has a surprise for me, or he wants to have sex. But I'm assuming it's not the second one since he asked to meet at a coffee shop.

As I'm walking I see the Brooklynn bridge. But something is different about it. ' I love you' is spelt out in huge words on the bridge. Drawn with Spiderwebs, Peter did this. I stop and look at it with a smile. Tears form in my eyes and I laugh. People all around are taking pictures and looking at in in shock. Peter really is such a romantic guy. One of the many reasons I love him.

I see Peter swinging towards me in his Spiderman suit. I prepare myself as I feel myself being lifted into the air by my web swinging boyfriend. We land on top of the bridge and I gasp. I look down and Peter has his arms wrapped around my waist. " Oh my god Peter," I squeal. I scoot closer to him and he has a huge grin on his face. " did you like my gift," He asks. I smile and look into his doe brown eyes. " It was beautiful, and I love you too," I whisper. " A beautiful gift for a beautiful girl," Peter teases. I kiss him softly but Peter makes it more passionate. We start making out but then Peter pulls away." Wands, I've been wanting to ask you something but I-," Peter starts to say softly but is interrupted by an explosion sound coming from some buildings. The power everywhere goes out and a blue light appears from the electrical plant. " What the hell is that," Peter asks. " I think it's Max...he must have cut the power to the whole city," I tell him.

" There has to be some kind of emergency black out plan," Peter states. I think back to what Gwen said one time. " There is...Gwen told me about this emergency reset at the power plant," I state. " I can't stop him...every time I get close to him he fries my web shooters," Peter sighs. " And you've tried everything," I ask. He nods and I remember something. " Did you try magnetizing them," I question. " I didn't...try magnetizing them," Peter replies. " Okay well the single perk of being with HYDRA is that they had a thing for science stuff...If you magnetize the nail with a battery it holds an electric charge," I state. He looks at me, obviously impressed. " I could kiss you right now," He exclaims while cupping my face. " Save that for later Pete," I grin.


We arrive on a street where there are a bunch of police cars. I'm in my Scarlet Witch costume now. Peter swings us over there and we land next to an officer. " Spiderman! The Scarlet Witch," The officer yells. " Officer. We need your help," Peter states. " What can I do for you," The officer asks. " We need Jumper cables. And copper wires," Peter tells him. They get us some jumper cables and we connect them to a cop car. I connect the other side of the cables to Peter's web shooters and it creates a shock. " You think that's good," I ask. " Try it," He says. I pull off one of my rings and put it on Peter's web shooter. It sticks and Peter cheers quickly. I put my ring back on and Peter looks around.

" Alright lets go baby," he suggests. He pulls me into his arms and swings us away. Eventually we land on a clock tower near the power plant. Peter still has one arm around my waist as we look around for Max. " It's too late. I designed this power grid, now I'm gonna take back what's rightfully mine. I will control everything, and I will be like a god to them," Max says angrily. He is all blue and floating in the middle of the plant. He has some kind of black suit on.

" A god names Sparkles," Peter teases. Max shoots electricity at us but Peter jumps up with my in his arms. The electricity hits the clock tower and shatters the glass. Peter lands on a large water pipe and I land on the ground next to it. Peter pulls the pipe and water shoots out of it towards Max. " Not this time Spiderman," Max growls. He blocks the water with his electricity and the pipe explodes. Sending Peter flying back. I throw a hex at Max and he looks at me. He shoots electricity at me but I block it with my magic. I shoot another hex at him with the other hand and he flies back into one of the bars. Max groans and shoots a large amount of electricity at me. Peter swings in and shoots webs at his chest. He throws him to the ground and it breaks the ground. Some electricity hits Peter and he falls to the ground. Twitching a bit do to the electricity. " Spiderman," I shout, I run over to him and kneel down. " Are you okay," Peter asks me with a small groan. " Why are you asking me that. You're the one on the floor babe," I scoff while helping him up. He shakes his head and stands up. " I'm fine," He assures me. Suddenly one of the large power bars turn blue, Max must be inside of it now.

Max goes back and forth in between pillars. But then he shoots over towards us and hits me with electricity. I yelp and fall to the ground. Fuck that hurt. " Scarlet," Peter shouts, he starts to run over to me but then he is shot with electricity as well. He falls to the ground again. Max uses his electricity to make Peter float into the air. " Bet you never saw this coming," Max smirks. I stand up with my eyes red. I bring magic into my hands and throw an angry hex at Max. Causing him to go flying and he breaks the ground. Peter falls on some bars and I run over to him. I kneel next to him and help him up. " You need to go," Peter groans. " What," I ask with shock. " You need to leave. Do you see how dangerous he is," Peter tells me. " Are you crazy? I'm not leaving you! What makes you think you can beat him alone," I exclaim. " No you need to go, you can't be here right now. I'm not gonna let you get hurt," Peter yells. " I'm not going anywhere," I shout back. " Yes you are! You have to go! I can do this on my own," He replies. " I'm not going anywhere," I exclaim. " I'm serious! You need to go! I'm not letting you get hurt," Peter yells.

" Guess what, that's not your decision to make! We're a team! I'm not going anywhere! It's my choice. I'm staying here with you! We can do this together," I tell him angrily. " God..fine. Fine, fine, fine, fine," He sighs. " We need to reset the system. We need use his power against him," He states. " Okay so you go reset the system. When I tell you to turn it, turn it on," I tell him. I can tell he is hesitating. " Hurry, go," I speak, he runs into the building and I turn back to where we left Max. I'm hoping we don't have to kill him. I'm hoping I can stop him another way...but I will do whatever it takes to stop him.

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