Chapter 6

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Wanda Maximoff

Max and I start fighting with our powers. The thing is, Max has the advantage to fly. I throw hexes at him and hit him almost every time. Max shoots electricity at me and brings me into the air. We are in the middle of all the pillars. I gasp and look towards where Peter is. I can feel that he is worried, scared. I hear Max chuckling and my eyes turn red. I scream and make my magic explode towards him. He falls to the ground and I start falling also. I land roughly on the ground and groan. " Turn it on Peter," I speak into his mind. He does and a bunch of lights turn on. Nothing seems to be happening to Max. But..he looks like he was before all of the electricity, well kind of, he's unconscious though. I took his powers. I sigh in relief and lay on the ground. I hear footsteps running towards me. I open my eyes and Peter is running towards me. He kneels down next to me and brushes my hair out of my face. " Are you okay," He asks frantically, I'm fine," I smile softly. We both stand up and Peter hugs me. " We did it," Peter cheers. " Together," I whisper into his ear. He pulls away and nods, " Together."

Suddenly laughing is heard. We turn around and it looks as though someone is flying on a green glider. Peter and I step away from each other and look at the figure with confusion. The person comes up in front of us and we see his face. Holy shit...Flash Thompson?

*16 hours ago*

3rd Person

Flash Thompson walks through the Oscorp lab. He has agreed to work with Electro. He found out that he has a deadly disease, Electro told him about this suit. One that would make him powerful. One that might help him. Once he put the suit on he was immediately overcome by anger. Then he saw Spiderman and the Scarlet Witch on the news. He realized the suit made it so he could see who the Scarlet Witch is. And it is none other than his ex girlfriend. The one that left him for the nerd, Peter Parker. Meaning that Parker must be Spiderman.

That made him angrier than ever. And that's how their plan was created. The plan to destroy Spiderman and the Scarlet Witch.

*present time*

Wanda Maximoff

His teeth are brown and messed up. He is wearing some kind of robotic suit with a green tint to it. There are veins sticking out around his face, he looks sick. He looks at me angrily and I step a bit closer to Peter. Flash has always scared me. Scarlet Witch or not. Even though I have powers. But even now, Flash is...different. He is powerful or something. And I'm more scared of him now than ever.

" Wanda...look at you. All confident now? You get a new boyfriend and suddenly you have powers? Sounds like a bitch move to me," Flash smirks. Peter speaks up, " What did you do." Flash turns to him with a glare, " Peter Parker. The nerd, who apparently is Spiderman. It all adds up now. 'Spiderman' trying to protect Wanda. But you and I both know that eventually you'll get tired of her. And you'll end up treating her like the the bitch she is." I look at the ground and I see Peter clench his fist.

" You give people hope, and you take it away. That's what you did to Max Dillon. So I'm gonna take away yours," Flash smirks to Peter. " No! Wanda," Peter yells. Flash flies over to me and grabs me before Peter can get to me. I gasp and Flash flies around with me on his glider. " Peter," I scream while looking around for him.

Peter is swinging after us, he lands on the clock tower and Flash stops above it. I breathe heavily and I feel tears running down my cheeks in fear. I know I could just shoot Flash with my magic. But then either he would fall off, most likely to his death. Or I would fall off. " Flash stop! Put her down! I swear to god! Put her down," Peter yells from the top of the clock tower. " F-Flash," I say frantically, Flash looks at me angrily. " Flash is dead," He yells in my face. " Flash! You wanna fight? Fight me! Don't be a pussy! Fight me! Let her go," Peter shouts. " Okay," Flash smirks before dropping me off of the glider. I gasp and scream as I fall from the sky.

" No," Peter cries out, he jumps into the air and catches me mid air. He wraps his arms around me and turns us over to he is shielding me from everything. I squeeze my eyes shut and I hear glass break. Peter lands on his back and I am on top of him. I shakily stand up and so does Peter. He cups my face and I look at him. " Are you okay," He asks me. " I'm fine. Are you okay? Does anything hurt," I question, referring to how he just shielded me from glass and landed on a metal bar thing. He nods, " I'm okay, I promise." Suddenly a bomb lands next to us but I use my magic to throw it down the clock tower. It goes off mid air but doesn't break anything.

Flash starts chasing Peter with the glider, trying to grab him. I throw a hex at Flash and he hits the wall. I jump from gear to gear as Flash and Peter fight. Peter jumps on the glider and puts Flash in a chokehold. The glider ends up falling at hitting a gear I'm on. I start falling but then Peter shoots a web at my hand. He starts pulling me up but then Flash leaps onto him. The gear moves and the web that's holding me gets closer to being cut. I bring magic into my hand and throw it at Flash. It hits his face and he falls against the wall. He's unconscious but a bomb rolls out of his hand. It land on some gears, then it explodes and pieces of the gears start flying everywhere. One gear cuts the web that is holding me and I start falling. Peter yells and jumps off of the bridge he was on. Peter shoots a web at me but then everything goes black.

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