Chapter 3

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Wanda Maximoff

I have just gotten back home and Peter is playing video games on the couch. I walk over to him and he looks up at me. " Hi," He smiles, I plop down next to him and sigh. " Hi," I mutter while I lean my head against his shoulder. " What happened," He asks. " Harry's father died," I tell Peter. He looks at me in shock and I nod with a frown. " Oh my god...did she say anything about Harry," He replies. " He's currently doing Oscorp business, but later we are going to go by his house and see him," I state.

" Okay...anything else," He questions. I look at him and bite my lip. He pulls me onto his lap so I am straddling him. " She told me to talk to you about college," I speak. " Oh," He mumbles, I furrow my eyebrows and cup his cheeks. He looks at me and says, " I'm not college." " What? Why not? Did you not get into MIT? Because if not thats fine, there are tons of other great col-," I say frantically but he interrupts me. " No I did get excepted into MIT. But I chose not to go. I don't wanna go," Peter informs me. My eyes widen, " What? But Peter you've wanted to go to MIT since before we even got together! Why don't you want to go now?" " Well it's just. I don't wanna leave May behind here. And you, I'm the only person you have left. Gwen's going to Yale. And the city needs Spiderman," He tells me.

" deserve to go to college without people holding you back," I exclaim. " You aren't holding me back, I chose not to go. I did. You didn't ask me to stay," Peter sighs. I stand up and look at him hesitantly. He stands up as well and caresses my hair. " It's my decision. Not yours, not May's, mine," He tells me. I nod and look down, " You're right..." Peter looks at his watch, then at me. " We should go on a date," He suggests. " Harry. Remember," I smile sadly, he curses under his breath. " Okay...tomorrow. And if not tomorrow, then the next. I'm gonna take you on an amazing date though," He smirks. I smile," I believe you." We press our lips together and he smiles into the kiss.


Peter and I are walking home from Peter's house. I squeeze Peter's hand as we talk. " We should go get some ice cream," Peter suggests. " It's 50 degrees out right now, it's way too cold for ice cream," I giggle. He looks at me and touches my nose, " Your nose is red." I scrunch my nose and he kisses me. " You're gonna be the death of me," He whispers. We continue walking and talking. Suddenly I feel Peter pull away from my hand though. I turn around to look for him, but he is no where to be seen. " Peter," I call out.

Suddenly I am swooped up, Peter is in his Spiderman suit and he is swinging in a direction with me in his arms. We land in the middle of time square. There is a blue man who looks to be made of electricity. There are crowds of people everywhere and the police are here too. The blue man's face is on the bill boards. He's screaming about how it's not his fault. The cops start shooting at the man while Peter runs to talk to one of the cops that's not shooting.

I use my magic to secretly read his mind. Oh my god, it's the man from Oscorp. Max Dillon. What the hell happened to him. Peter leaps over to me and stands in front of me, attempting to protect me. He has his arm in front of me, but I grab it softly. He slowly puts it down. " Wanda," He whispers, I take a few steps closer towards Max. He looks over at us and sees Spiderman. " Spiderman...Wanda," He speaks, his voice sounds static-y. " Max Dillon...right," I say knowingly. " You remember me...I look different though," He gasps. I shake my head, " I remember you...what happened to you Max?"

" Eels," He mutters while looking around. " Max...we can help you man," Peter speaks up. " can you two help me," He asks. " We'll find a just have to trust us," I say hesitantly while stepping towards him. He puts his hands out and Peter grabs my wrist. Electricity is forming all around his hands, and he's on the metal bars that are on the ground.

" Look Max, I can see you don't wanna be here, I can see you're scared, I can see that you don't wanna hurt anybody," Peter shouts. " I don't want them to shoot me," Max says while pointing at the cops. " They aren't gonna shoot you. You guys! This is my buddy Max, I told you about Max! No one shoots Max," Peter yells. Max steps on the bars and Peter pulls me back.

" Just come with us Max...we can go somewhere and talk," I suggest. Max nods and steps back, he accidentally steps on the electrical pipes and electricity forms around him. One of the cops shoot him and I gasp. " No! No stop it," I scream. Max groans and throws electricity at the screens. Peter shoots a web at Max's wrists but then Max shoots him back into a police car. " SPIDERMAN," I shout. I look at Max, I can't use my powers without my suit on. Then everyone will know who I am.

The crowd of people are shouting and yelling at Max. I shake my head and look around. I am still standing on the bars. " Hey, Max calm down. It's okay. We can still go. It was an accident," I say frantically while trying to calm Max down. He's angry, very angry. " Spiderman lied to me," He shouts. He brings electricity in his hands, he's going to shock the bars that I'm on. " Wanda," Peter exclaims. He leaps over to me and swings me away from the bars. I'm now in an alleyway and Peter is gone. I use my magic to change into my suit.

I run back to town square and once I get there I bring my magic into my hands. " ITS THE SCARLET WITCH," Some people in the crowd yell. Peter and Max are fighting. I shoot a hex at Max and he flies back into a screen. Peter looks at me in shock. I walk up to him and stand next to him. Max raises 2 electrical cords and pushes them to his chest. The power goes out everywhere and Peter pulls me into his arms, preparing to swing away.

The power turns back on with a flash and suddenly buildings start falling apart. People are screaming and running away. Electro starts shooting electricity everywhere. I pull away from Peter's arms and throw a hex at him. It hits him and he stumbles a bit, but he isn't as affected by it as the last one.

" Max! Max hey! Do you know who I am," I shout frantically. I don't want to hurt him, I really don't. Max is innocent, he's pure, just by meeting him once I felt him emotions. He floats in the air and stops moving. " You're the Scarlet Witch. Spiderman's girlfriend," he spits. " Yes, Max you can trust can-," I am interrupted by water being sprayed at him. He falls to the ground and I curse under my breath. I look over and Peter is holding a firehose.

He puts it down and the police walk over to Max. I watch them with a frown. Peter walks over to me and pulls me into his arms. " You ready to go home," He asks. I don't respond, I'm pissed. I was close. I could have helped him, Max. Peter swings us into the air and we arrive home a few minutes later. We climb in through the window and I immediately take off my suit.

I put on a tank top and pajama pants. Peter just took his suit off so he is only in his boxers. " Why would you do that," I mumble. " Do what," Peter asks me. I look at him with anger. " You shot water at him," I exclaim. " He was going to kill people what do you mean," My boyfriend says defensively. " I had it under control! I could have helped him without hurting him! I was talking to him," I tell him.

" You didn't have it under control. He wanted to kill you too you know," Peter scoffs. " You don't have the ability to feel his emotions like I do! He's just sad and lonely! He needs a friend, and some help, not to be locked up," I sigh. " Wanda I know you care about other people because you've lost so much. But you can't help everyone, he was on the verge of killing you and you know it," Peter shouts. " I don't care if he kills me! I wanted to help him. He needed my help. Our help. And all you cared about was how the people saw Spiderman," I yell.

" I care if he kills you Wanda! I do! What the fuck are you thinking? That I would just let you risk your life for someone you haven't know for that long? And that's a lie! I was focused on trying to stop Max, not on how people see me," Peter screams. " I can't do this. I'm leaving," I scoff. I start walking out of our room. Peter follows me, still talking. " And where are you gonna go?! Wanda! I'm not just gonna let you out there in the cold when you don't know where you're going," Peter shouts. I turn back to him quickly and yell, " That's not your decision to make! I'm going to Gwens." I have tears in my eyes now, and so does Peter.

This is the biggest fight we've ever gotten in. I close the door to the house and walk out. I start walking down the street towards Gwen's house.

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