Chapter 7

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Peter Parker

Wanda. That's all I'm focuses on. Trying to save Wanda. Because of Flash's stupid bomb, a gear cut the web she was on. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest. We make eye contact as I shoot a web at her. It lands on her chest and I keep a strong grip on the web. I catch a pole and hang from there until eventually all of the gears hit the stone ground at the end of the tower. Wanda stops falling as well. My heart rate increases, she isn't moving. Her eyes are closed. I connect the web to a pole, she is very close to the ground but... she's okay. She has to be. I jump from the pole and land on the ground next to her.

I wip my mask off as walk over to her, her eyes are still closed. I pull the web off of her chest and she falls limp into my arms. " Hey...Wanda," I whisper shakily as I brush a strand of hair out of her face. " Hey, hey, hey. Wanda? Please..," I say frantically while I slowly sit down on the floor. I set Wanda in my lap, I cradle her head on my arm and the rest of her body is sprawled out on my lap. I cup her cheek and tears form in my eyes. "'re okay," I whimper, I'm starting to cry now. I attempt to gently shake her awake, but it doesn't work. I notice as blood starts to drip from her nose. There is also blood on her head. " Stay with me, stay with me, stay with me. You stay with me baby," I cry. She still doesn't wake up, I was too late..

" Wanda...Wanda! No please, please. Please," I sob. She can't be gone. I'll never get to see her beautiful smile again. I'll never get to kiss her again. I'll never get to hold her hand again. I'll never get to hear her laugh, or feel her play with my hair, or wrap my arms around her as she sleeps. I bring her body closer to mine and cry into her neck. " I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Please don't leave me," I whisper with tears streaming down my cheeks. I pull back and yell out of pain. She's gone, it's my fault, I was too late. I couldn't save her. I cry into Wanda's neck once again.

( you really thought ;) )
Wanda Maximoff

I feel myself gaining back consciousness, god my head hurts. Everything hurts in fact. I hear someone sobbing and I feel wetness on the side of my neck. I open my eyes and see Peter's body holding me. I look around and start moving again. Despite the pain I feel all over my body. Peter quickly pulls away and looks at me in shock. His face is red, specifically his eyes. " P-Peter...what happened? Why are you crying? Are you okay," I ask him softly. His lip quivers and he pulls me into his arms. " Oh my god. You're- you're alive," He cries out of relief.

I shift so I am hugging him back. " I thought I was too late. I thought I couldn't save you. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry baby," Peter sobs. I shake my head and run my fingers through his hair. " I'm okay, I'm okay. I'm right here. You saved me Peter. You saved me," I assure him. " Why didn't you wake up," He whispers. " Something must have hit me in the head. But I'm okay now," I tell him. He pulls away from my neck and I am still in his arms. " You're bleeding," He tells me softly. I reach my hand up to my head and wince. Definitely have a concussion, but there is no need to worry Peter about that. " It's okay. It'll stop," I speak. He then puts his hands in my hair and leans his forehead against mine.


The police have come for Flash and Max. They will both be imprisoned. I'm in quite a bit of pain right now, so Peter insisted I stay inside of the tower until he's finished talking to the police. He walks back into the tower with his suit on. He helps me up and I hug him. He sighs and brings me into his arms.

" Let's go home," I suggest to Peter. He nods and wraps an arm around me. He shoots a web and swings us out of there. On the way home Peter has a very tight grip around me. I can tell he is afraid to drop me, even though I know he won't. I trust Peter with my life, with my secrets, with everything. I hope he knows that. Eventually we get home, and we climb through the window. Peter immediately sits down and takes off his suit. He has some scattered bruises and scratches on his chest and back. But other than that he seems okay. I'll have to get the first aid kid out and clean them.

I try my hardest not to wince or make it noticeable that I'm in pain as I slowly take off my jacket. However Peter must be able to tell, because he stands up and walks over to me. I look at him hesitantly and he eyes roam over my body. Probably checking for any major injuries. I already have my jacket off now. I slowly turn around and Peter gently unties my corset. It falls off of me and Peter gasps. I turn around and look at him, " What," I ask. He just stares at the top of my body. I walk over to the mirror in the room. Once I see myself I have to stop myself from gasping as well.

There are big bruises, burns, and gashes all over my body. I look back at Peter and sigh. He has a frown on his face as I walk back over to him. I use my powers to slide my pants off then I look at Peter again. Peter grabs pants from his drawer then one of his shirts. He hands me the shirt and I slide it on. Once we are both dressed Peter sits at the edge of the bed. I stand there and look at him. He fiddles with his fingers and looking down. I've never seen Peter this...quiet. I walk over to him and grab his hands softly. He finally looks up at me and I can tell he still feels guilty.

I gently move his hands and sit on his lap, facing him. I wrap my arms around his neck and my hands fall to the back of his neck. He puts his hands on my waist and I lean my head on his shoulder. " Please don't feel guilty Peter," I mumble. I feel his grip of my waist tighten and I wince, so he loosens his grip. " You could've died Wanda," Peter states. " Could have. I didn't. I'm right here, with you. We're together," I remind him. He doesn't say anything for a moment, so I place a soft kiss on his neck.

" We can't do this anymore," Peter blurts out. I look at him with confusion. " What," I ask hesitantly, he glances at me and I see the determination in his eyes. " No more Spiderman and Scarlet Witch. We can't do it anymore," Peter says. " Peter...are you sure? I mean...the city needs us. What if something bad happens," I reply softly. He looks at me with tears in his eyes. " Something bad did happen. I almost lost you. I need you. You're my first priority and you always will be. I'm not gonna lose you," He says.

I hug him again and put his head on my chest. " You won't lose me...okay. No more Spiderman and Scarlet Witch. I promise," I assure him. He starts crying against my chest, so I run my fingers through his hair. " It's okay Pete," I whisper. " I was so scared Wands," He stutters. " I know, I know," I sigh. I can't imagine what Peter is feeling right now. Well I can, but I don't want to. If I thought I lost Peter I would...I don't even know what would happen. I can't see my life without him.

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