Chapter 12

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Wanda Maximoff

Peter and I are in the fort. It's cute, although I haven't exactly taken the time to enjoy it. I've been too paranoid. I'm still in Peter's arms, we are just under the blankets. I'm scared, terrified. Flash is out,  he has stronger tech, and he wants to hurt me. But we aren't the ' Super hero couple' that we used to be. At least not right now. " Peter," I whisper softly, Peter keeps his arms wrapped around me. " Yeah," He replies, I bite my lip and tears form in my eyes. " What are we going to do...about Flash," I ask with my voice breaking. I was facing his chest before, but now I'm looking at him.

He avoids eye contact with me and I frown. " I don't know...," Peter says. " What if he comes back," I whimper. Peter cups my face and my lip trembles. " I'm going to protect you Wanda. You know that. I know you can protect yourself. You could easily beat his ass if he didn't have that glider. But I promise you, I won't let him hurt you," My boyfriend assures.  I close my eyes and nod, " Okay...okay."

" You wanna watch a movie," Peter asks, obviously trying to lighten the mood. I nod with a sad smile, Peter starts trying to find something on the TV. I find myself drifting off to sleep before we can find something to watch though.

Peter Parker

I look down at Wanda after a few minutes of searching for a movie to watch, she's asleep. Her hands are gripping my shirt, holding on tightly. I sigh and kiss her head. I don't know what to do. Flash is on the loose, and he's trying to hurt her. I slowly unwrap my arms from around her and she hums in her sleep. I sit up and exit the fort. I need advice from someone. I grab my phone and leave the room quietly.

I look for a certain contact, once I find her I start calling. " Hello," A voice says over the phone. " Gwen... I need your advice," I speak. " What's up Peter," She asks with concern in her voice. " Flash is out of jail. He tried to hurt Wanda. I don't know what to do...he's not gonna stop," I whisper frantically. " Peter...I think you know what you have to do. He's trying to hurt you and Wanda. Like you said, he's not gonna stop. Next time he makes a move, you know what needs to be done," Gwen sighs. I glance at the bedroom door and squeeze my eyes shut. " Thanks Gwen," I mumble before hanging up the phone. I walk back into the room and set my phone down. I climb back into the fort and lay next to Wanda, who snuggles closer to me.


Wanda Maximoff

I just got out of the shower. I walk into the bedroom with the towel around my body. But then I see Peter with his Spiderman suit in his hands. He's just staring at it, but he's also only in his boxers. " Peter," I speak, he looks at me hesitantly. " W-What are you doing," I ask. " Flash is at time square. He's threatening to kill a bunch of people," My boyfriend states.

" I'm coming with you," I tell him while walking towards the closet. Peter grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. " No, you're not. Any other time I would give in, but no this time. Not after what happened before. I'm not arguing with you," Peter says sternly. I decide not to argue also, so I step back. Peter puts his suit on and squeezes his eyes shut. I can tell he's nervous, last time he wore this suit bad things happened.

He puts his mask on and hugs me. " I love you...please stay here," Peter whispers. I nod and say, " I love you too." He sighs and jumps out the window and starts swinging away. I put my clothes on and turn the TV on to the news. It's showing Peter on the news, well Spiderman. People are glad he's back. He's fighting Flash as people cheer.

Peter Parker

I have just gotten to Time Square. Flash is flying around on his glider yelling at People. " Oh my god it's Spiderman," Someone yells. People start cheering and I stand up, preparing myself to fight. Flash looks at me and smirks. " Spiderman. Where's your girlfriend? Oh right... I forgot," he grins. I clench my fist in anger and shoot two webs at his glider. I pull him down and he falls off. We start fighting and I'm starting to get angrier. He almost killed my girlfriend. Then he tried to rape her.

I punch him and slam him against the ground. He quickly stands back up so I jump off of the side of a nearby building and land on his shoulders. I start repeatedly punching him and he falls to the ground. I stand up and he goes as well. Suddenly his glider pushes me and I feel it stab me in the side. Not enough to severely injure me though.

Flash lifts me up by my neck and starts choking me. Shit.

Wanda Maximoff

Flash is choking Peter, I see it on the TV. I look towards the closet hesitantly. I know I promised Peter, but he needs my help. I run to the closet and pull my suit out. I quickly put it on and make sure my magic effect is still on it. I run out of the house and luckily Time Square is very close by. I arrive there quickly. Flash is holding Peter up by his neck, he's pulling out a dagger. I bring magic into my hands and throw an angry hex at Flash. It sends him flying into the side of a building. Peter falls to his knees and looks at me.

" It's the Scarlet Witch! She's alive," Someone from the crowd of people exclaims. I run over to Peter and he is standing up now. " No, no, no. I told you to stay there! Why are you here?! You can't be here," Peter says while putting his hands to his head. He looks around for Flash and puts his arm out in a protective manner. " You needed my help. I'm here, it'll be fine," I sigh. Peter groans and looks at me again. " You're my first priority, remember? If Flash gets away don't be pissed at me," He tells me.

Laughing is suddenly heard, Flash is flying on his glider again. " The Scarlet Witch is alive! You all see this?! You all wanna know why they were MIA for so long? It's because I almost killed the witch! She almost died and Spiderman was terrified to lose his little girlfriend. But you know what...I didn't kill her before, but now I get another chance," Flash yells to everyone. He looks at us and Peter swings up to Flash and starts fighting him. I use my powers to chip away at his glider. His glider stops working and he starts falling to the ground. Peter lands next to him and I can see by his body language, that he's angry. Flash stands up and laughs manically. I feel my eyes turn red and I bring my power back into my hands. I start throwing multiple hexes at him but he blocks them with his glider.

I break his glider in half and he throws it on the ground. All of this anger has been trapped inside of me for so long, all this anger is from him. From the way he treated me when we were dating, from his abuse, from him touching me yesterday, from him trying to kill me and my boyfriend. From the way he made me feel worthless and weak.

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