Chapter 11

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3rd Person

To say Wanda and Peter have had a lot of free time would be an understatement. They haven't had much to do. Not being in school anymore, and not having city wide duties. They've had fun, lots of fun. While not all of it has been fun, they've had a few arguments over stupid things. But they made up in the end. Whether it was soft apologizing or make up sex, they are always okay in the end.

Currently the couple is taking a bath together. Peter is leaning his back against the wall of the tub, while Wanda is leaning her back against his chest. He is playing with her hair while she closes her eyes.

Peter Parker

I tighten my arm around Wanda's waist. She looks up at me and smiles. That smile. It's one of the thousands of reasons I love her. But it's also one of the many of reasons how I know she loves me. The way she smiles at me. The way she looks at me, I see the light in her eyes when she looks at me. The way she scrunches her nose when she laughs at me. The way she touches me, anytime, anywhere. I could go on, but I won't.

" What are you thinking about," Wanda asks softly. " Just about how I could really go for some hot chocolate right now," I tease. " We don't have any, I wanted some too," She pouts. " I have an idea. You go get coco and some snacks. I'll stay here and make a fort," I grin like a child. She furrows her eyebrows, " A fort?" My eyes widen as I realize, she doesn't know what a fort is. She's never made one. " Are you telling me you never made a fort growing up," I say in shock. She shrugs and shifts so she is facing me.

" I didn't have much of a childhood, remember," She frowns slightly. I look down then smile, " I'm gonna build the best fort ever. And we'll sleep in there tonight. You gotta go get a bunch of snacks and drinks." Wanda's eyes light up and that smile forms back on her face. She's excited. " Okay," She says happily while leaning against me again.


Wanda Maximoff

" Mmh Peter I have to go or the store is going to close," I mumble in between the kiss. He pulls me closer to him on his lap. I pull away and quickly get off of his lap before he can pull me back. Causing me to almost fall. But a web stops me from falling, Peter smirks at me. " Why are you wearing your web shooters," I giggle while standing up straight. I pull the web off of my hip and he shrugs. " I always wear them, just in case. Even though we aren't hero's anymore, we have to protect each other. You never know what could happen," Peter tells me.

I nod and kiss his cheek. " I'll be back," I tell him softly. " Love you," he grins. " I love you too," I shout as I walk out the door. I close the door and walk towards the store, which isn't that far away.


I am walking back home with two bags in my hands. I'm humming a soft tune as I walk. I suddenly feel like someone is watching me. I stop humming and look around, I don't see anything. So I just continue walking, but then I hear faint laughing. A familiar laugh, a terrifying laugh. I look behind me and see a figure on a glider flying towards me. Flash. How did he get out of jail?! I start running but I'm not fast enough. Flash tackles me to the ground and I scream. He covers my mouth and smirks at me. He looks the same as he did before he was put into jail.

But his glider, his suit, it looks different. Its glowing green and it seems stronger. Tears form im my eyes as I try to get away. I can't use my powers, if someone sees. They'll know the Scarlet Witch is alive. Flash laughs mischievously, " Wanda. I thought you died. I'm surprised I caught you alone." I start sobbing into his hand. I'm struggling to get out of his grip. " Oh stop crying bitch! I haven't even done anything yet," He shouts. I continue crying, just not as loudly. I suddenly feel a hand on my waist. No, no, no, no, no, no.

I start kicking around as his hand trails down to my thighs. He slaps me and I cry out. I finally kick hard enough to where it hits his dick. He shouts in pain and falls back. I pick up the bags and run in the direction of the house. Once I get there I burst through the door and quickly close it. I drop the bags and start breathing heavily. Holy shit, I think I'm having a panic attack. It feels as though the walls are caving in, I can't catch my breath. I slide down the door and start sobbing and hyperventilating. " P-Peter...Peter," I whimper. I grip my hair and sob into my hands. I can still feel Flash's hands on me, I hate it.

" Wands? What's going on, what happened," Peter asks frantically while running down the stairs. He immediately pulls me into his arms and I cry into his chest. " It's okay, I'm here now," He assures me.

Peter Parker

I am upstairs making the fort when I hear the door slam shut downstairs. " What the hell," I ask myself. I run down the stairs and see Wanda curled up, sobbing against the door. " Wands? What's going on, what happened," I exclaim as I rush over to my crying girlfriend. I pull her into my arms and she clutches my shirt, crying against my chest. " It's okay, I'm here now," I say softly. I stroke her hair in attempt to calm her down. She's still hysterical though. " Hey, Wanda. Baby? Can you hear me," I question. She slightly nods without looking at me. So I tilt her head up to look into my eyes. Her eyes are red rimmed mascara is smeared under her eyes. " Can you breathe with me," I speak gently. I take her hand and place it against my chest so she can feel my heart beat.

I slowly breathe and she does the same. We do it a few more times until she has fully calmed down. We are still on the floor. Wanda is curled up on my lap, her head leaning on my chest once again. " You wanna tell me what happened," I ask. She sighs shakily, " Flash is out of prison." My heart drops and I pull away from her. She looks at me and fiddles with her fingers. " He found me and tackled me to the ground...he started t-touching me..but I got away before he could do anything else," She mumbles. Anger and sadness flows through me. I wanna kill Flash, but Wanda needs me.

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