Part 2 (Chapter 3) The Engagement News (Part 1)

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The Aliens' P.O.V.

*At Coach's Froyo. The Alien's are there eating Froyo. In a while. Addison, Zed and their friends came in and walked up to them.

Bree: Hey guys.

A-Spen: Hi.

*Willa smiled widely when she saw A-Spen.

Addison: How's it going?

A-Li: It's going great. I love the Strawberry Flavor. I also like Lemon, Orange Creamsicle, Butterscotch, Banana, Brains and Flesh, Bones and Blood, Chocolate, Pineapple, Root Beer, Carrot Cake, Honey and Nuts, etc. They are really good flavors.

Zed: Someone likes all of the flavors.

*Coach walked over.

Coach: Hey guys. How are things?

Willa: Things are great.

Eliza: Best year at Mountain College.

Coach: It's nice to finally see you back in person.

Eliza: Thanks. I passed my Internship exam on the 3rd month of School. I studied during the weekends, between classes, after school, before bed, after waking up to get ready for school, during lunch, and during free periods.

Coach: Sounds like you put a lot of effort into your Exam. I'm excited for you.

Eliza: Yeah. I'm now going to be a Technical Producer and Coding Expert.

Coach: Sounds like you're going to be employee of the month in the future.

Eliza: Maybe I will.

Coach: I'm Positive.

Zed: Addison and I have news.

A-Li: You're getting Married?

Zed: Yes. How did you do that?

A-Li: I can see the ring on her finger.

Addison: (smiles and nods)

A-Spen: Congratulations.

Addison: Thanks.

Zed: We are planning on telling our parents.

A-Li: It's always best to tell your parents everything.

Eliza: Yeah. Only most of the time.

Wyatt: Everyone knows how parents are.

Zed: Always getting into your business and trying to help you.

Addison: They want what's best for us. But, it can lead to disagreements.

Bree: True.

Zed: Adios. We're off to Addison's house. Bye-bye Aliens.

*Addison and Zed left.

Coach: I always find them weirdly romantic.

Wynter: It's cute.

Coach: I wonder what their first born will be like.

Willa: A hybrid between a Zombie and Alien.

Eliza: Zamantha or Zathion or Athena or Aiden.

Wynter: Let's just hope it's a girl.

Bonzo: No boyskee? (Why not a Boy?)

Bree: No offense Zom-boo, but boys are very agitated when they are kids. Including as Zombies.

Eliza: What if this baby doesn't need a Z-Band?

Wyatt: That would be so cool.

Eliza: It's clear that our first born will need mother super vision way more than father super vision. No offense Wolfie, but you can't be trusted with Baby supplies.

Wyatt: It's true. I have no idea how the stuff even works.

Eliza: We have time before I even get pregnant.

Wyatt: We even have half a whole year.

Eliza: Did you say half? You said half. (looks at the Aliens) He said half.

Coach: I gotta go back to work. Good Luck y'all. (walks away)

Wynter: I missed Seabrook.

*At Addison's house. Inside the house. Addison and Zed came in. Missy and Dale walked over welcoming back their daughter.

Missy: We missed you so much sweetheart.

Dale: How are you? How are you and Zed? Did anything happen while you were gone? Did you two get proposed and married without inviting us?

Addison: First of all. I'm fine, we're fine. We got engaged on Valentines Day, and we are getting married June 3rd.

Missy: That's amazing Addison! Show us the ring.

*Addison held up her left hand and her parents looked at it.

Dale: It's beautiful.

Missy: It's so your style.

*She put her hand down and smiled.

Addison: Thanks. We are excited. We told the Aliens before we came here.

Missy: Are we invited?

Addison: Of course you are. You are my Parents.

Dale: We also got news.

Addison: What is it?

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