Part 5 (Chapter 20) A Great Alpha is Born/Held Hostage

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*The next day. In the Werewolf Den. At 9:30 AM. Wylda's water broke and she started getting attractions. Willa and Wyatt ran to her.

Willa: Mom. Are you OK?

Wylda: The baby. My water broke.

Wyatt: It's about 2 minutes until she gives birth.

*After a while. Wylda is set into a room ready to give birth. After a moment. There was crying. After a few minutes. There was no more crying. The doctor came over to Willa and Wyatt with the baby.

Willa: The baby.

*He handed the baby to Willa.

Willa: Hi little Winnie. I'm you big sister Willa. This is your big brother Wyatt.

*They noticed the birthmark on her forehead and became surprised.

Willa: No way.

Wyatt: That's the Birthmark that defines Great Alpha.

Willa: Every Great Alpha has this Birthmark.

Wyatt: Could it be?

Willa: It obviously is.

Wyatt: And, her hair as well.

Willa: All of ehr hair is white.

Wyatt: The newest generation Great Alpha.

Willa: This is incredible.

*There was banging on a door.

Ava: Please, just let me out! I didn't mean to offend you! I was just being honest! I was thinking all night! Like literally! I didn't sleep at all! I was very uncomfortable! I am used to sleeping on a sea rock covered in coral! It keeps our skin fresh!

*Wyatt walked to the door.

Wyatt: You're not coming out!

*She was startled. She fell on the ground backwards.

Wyatt: This is three weeks of torture! You should've not offended us Werewolves and the Zombies about our strength and who we are! You will not convince any of us! So stop asking to be let out and don't complain about one more thing! OK!?

*She was very sad. She had tears. She sat up.

Wyatt: Do you understand Ava!?

Ava: Yes Wyatt!

Wyatt: Good.

*He walked away from the door. Ava started crying.

Doctor: I will be on my way now. Let everything get handled.

*The doctor left.

Willa: Let's just focus on what's happening right now.

Wyatt: Mom is gone.

Willa: We have a baby sister that is the Great Alpha. How cool is that? That must explain why mom struggled through her pregnancy.

Wyatt: Her middle name is mom's name. You look just like mom.

Willa: Partly.

Wyatt: It's Willa end of our mom and the beginning of our new sibling.

Willa: Our friends won't believe this.

*Wyatt took a picture of Winnie.

Wyatt: Wanda!

*Wanda ran over.

Wanda: Yes Wyatt?

*He crouched.

Wyatt: Do you want to come with us? We are going to the beach. Zoey might be there.

Wanda: Sure. And one question.

Wyatt: Yeah.

Wanda: How long is the Mermaid going to be stuck in that room?

*She pointed out the room Ava is in. Wyatt looked at the room and back at Wanda. Wanda dropped her arm.

Wyatt: For 20 more days. Why?

Wanda: Just wondering. Also, because she seems very sad.

Wyatt: She offended us Werewolves, and the Zombies about our strength and who we are. She had to face the consequence.

*Wanda is surprised.

Wanda: 20 days!? Do you know that Mermaids cannot survive on land over 3 days?

Wyatt: I am aware of that. But, she deserved it.

Wanda: She could die. What about her family?

Wyatt: If she dies, we will deal with that. We don't know about her family.

Wanda: OK.

*Wyatt stood up.

Wyatt: You stay here. Willa and I are going to get ready to leave.

Wanda: No problem.

Willa: Let's go Wyatt.

*Willa and Wyatt walked into a room that said Nursery on the door. Wanda watched. They disappeared inside, then the door closed. Wanda looked at the room Ava is in and ran to it. She kneeled down.

Wanda: Hello!

*Ava crawled to the door and sat by it.

Ava: Hey!

Wanda: What's your name!

Ava: Ava Waters!

Wanda: I'm Wanda! How are you doing!?

Ava: Not so well!

Wanda: Do you want me to do anything!?

Ava: Are you going to the beach!

Wanda: Yeah! Why!

Ava: Listen! When you see three girls with Pastel Blue Hair come out of the Ocean, be sure to tell them this away from the others!

Wanda: OK! What is it!?

Ava: Tell them that I am not doing so well and that I won't survive! If I die, I want my family to know that I love them very much!

Wanda: Anything else!?

Ava: Tell them where I am and how to get me out! If it doesn't work, I want them to remember me! And, I want A-Lan to know that I always wanted to find the twin brother my mother keeps telling me about! I don't want to die!

Wanda: OK! I'll remember this and tell your Mermaid friends! Probably A-Lan as well!

Ava: Thanks!

Wanda: You're Welcome!

*Wanda stood up and rushed back to where she was standing and started whistling. After a while. Willa and Wyatt came back with a stroller and a few baby supplies.

Willa: OK. Let's go Wanda.

Wanda: OK.

*They left.

Ava: Don't let me down Wanda.

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