Part 8 (Chapter 26) Ava and A-Lan's Bond

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(the next day)
(near the Moonstone in Zombietown)
(Ava is there sitting on the bench)
(in a while)
(A-Lan came over and sat by her)

A-Lan: I had a feeling you would be here.

Ava: What is that?

A-Lan: That's the Moonstone.

Ava: Never heard of it. I have no idea what it does and what it's power source is. It's seems interesting. I just have no idea why I like it. It's big, blue and glowy. (pauses) Oh. I like things with those characteristics. (snaps out of it) Oh, well. It's pretty.

(A-Lan chuckled at what she just said)
(in a while)
(the Werewolves came over)

Wyatt: Welcome to our territory.

Ava: Your territory?

Willa: Yeah. The Moonstone.

Ava: That thing? (points at it) The big, blue and glowy thing that I don't know what it does and what power source is? (drops hand)

Wynter: Yeah.

Willa: It's energy keeps us alive.

Wyatt: Our necklaces are connected to the Moonstone.

Wynter: What he's saying, our necklaces are the Moonstone. They were mined and shaped.

Ava: That's interesting. That answered both of my questions. I am very admired by how it looks.

Wynter: Well, it has an infinite Resource. It can kill any human that touches it. It's very powerful.

Ava: I find that very mean.

Willa: So. How are you?

Ava: I'm good.

Wynter: How's your twins?

Ava: Their doing well. Thanks for asking.

Willa: When did you get pregnant?

Ava: Two weeks after I married A.J.

Wynter: It really does sound like it was A-Lan's fault.

A-Lan: I feel guilty enough.

Ava: It's not his fault. It's fate's fault. Fate brought us back together. When we found each other it reactivated our sibling bond.

Wynter: What happened 15 years ago?

Ava: I believe that our dad's negative feelings towards our mom were strong enough to break our bond and separate us. Mom went back into the Ocean with me and dad went back to space with him. Mom noticed that my hair was fading to Pale Blue as she got deeper.

A-Lan: I remember dad saying that he noticed my hair fading to Neon Blue as we were flying away.

Ava: I think that's a part of our bond. We were both born with Pale Blue and Neon Blue hair. It's been said that when twin hybrids are back together, the traits they were born with may appear randomly as their bond becomes stronger again. My grandmother and grandfather told my mother and I. They had a lot of theories about us.

A-Lan: That is really interesting. Our other grandparents told my dad and I. They also had a lot of theories about us.

Ava: Isn't it a surprise? Our grandparents write books about their theories on us.

A-Lan: It really is a surprise.

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