①⑥Mi Amor/My Love Will You? Pt3

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𝔸𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕓𝕠𝕡🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


"How did she die?"Beomgyu asked as they saw Jin kneel down and kiss his fingers before placing them on top of the tomb stone as he let out a sad smile "A heart Disease" Jin looked towards the Teddy bear he ha placed their two months ago.

The five looked at Jin confused having thought that she died from being sick from the rain "Confused?" Jin looked at the five chuckling sadly as they nodded "Sit" he tapped the two benches next to him "Yes, she died from her heart disease, but the rain did get her sick which in turn weakened her immune system which led to her fatal failing heart" Jin cried as his dongsaengs hurriedly hugged him.

"She died because I wasn't strong enough to fight the man off, because we couldn't get her to the hospital quick enough" Jin cried out blaming himself once again as he did last year after her funeral.


The members stood under umbrellas as Seeun's mom spoke about how her daughter was a total troublemaker but she never failed to make everyone's day better with her antics.

Jin stood with a sad smile on his face tears falling freely from his eyes as Mr Park Seeun's father hugged him tightly grateful for the man that let he and his wife spend a few more days with their daughter and give them a chance to say goodbye.

"That is why I'm so grateful to the man that is Kim Seokjin because of him we got to spend our daughters last days together if he wasn't there to help her she would have been taking away from us before we could even say goodbye" Mrs. Park cried as she looked to Jin mouthing thank you.

Jin forced a smiled happy that they got to spend their daughters last days together unbeknownst to Jin Tae was looking at him the whole time his heart swelling for his love.


When they got home Jin had locked his self in his room the memories of that night haunting him.

"AHHHHHH" Jin let out a blood curdling scream as he started throwing things around his room.

Outside his room sat Tae and the other Members worry lacing their features for their Hyung "It's my fault!!!" Jin screamed throwing his lamp "It's my fault!!!!" He screamed once again pushing his book shelf on the floor it breaking from the impact "IT'S MY FAULT!!!" He let one more scream out before throwing his hospital bag at the mirror a small book falling out of it as it landed on the broken glass.

Seeing the book Jin walked towards the broken mirror kneeling down to pick it up.

He looked shocked as it had Seeun name written on it in colored pencil he quickly opened it reading it with tears in his eyes.

-Dear Ahjussi, Thank you for saving me from the bad man
Appa said you are from a band can you sing for me when you wake up
Eomma wants me to sleep and get some rest but I wanted to write you this letter
Appa and Eomma don't know that I heard their conversation with Doctor Ahjussi about me dying
Am I gonna die? I don't wanna die Eomma and Appa will miss me
Please wake up before I die Ahjussi I want to thank you in person
Ahjussi my body hurts and I can't get out of bed anymore
Ahjussi it's not your fault what's happened to me, Eomma says everyone has a time they're supposed to say bye, so I guess this is mine bye Ahjussi I'll miss you, take care of Eomma and Appa for me

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