①⑦The Three Of Us!!!

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The sun shone brightly through the newly engaged couples bedroom window, the bright beams kissing their unclothed skin as they snuggled together the eldest out of the three who had woken up a few minutes ago stared lovingly at his fiancé who in question were having lewd dreams about him.

"Perverts" Jin mumbled wiggling out of their grasp only to be pulled back on top of Taehyung's bare tanned chest "Good morning Love" Tae smiled cheekily at Jin as he buried his face in the bear like man's chest "How are you feeling?" Jungkook's hushed question flooded into Jin's ears as he looked at him.

"Don't ask me something like that it's embarrassing" Jin whined his face turning tomato red from embarrassment "Haha ok Love we won't, we're just worried, we went pretty hard on you last night" Tae said sitting up making Jin who was laying on his chest slide down straddling his lap.

"That doesn't make it less embarrassing" Grumbling Jin pouted crossing his arms, but his sulking face only made him cuter as Taehyung and Jungkook cooed at their fiancé  "Mi Amor you are so adorable" Jungkook cooed pinching Jin's cheeks receiving a whine in return from Jin.

"Hyung come on we are supposed too...." Jimin barged into the room stopping mid-sentence as he looked at the three on the bed who were completely naked "Nice night" Jimin quirked an eyebrow at them with a smirk as he teased.

"Get out!!" Jin threw a pillow his way as Jimin hurriedly closed the door giggling to himself "You guys come on, we are going out remember it is our day off!!!" The throuple's eyes went wide with shock remembering the plans they made with the members to go out a week ago.

"Sorry we'll be there in five 20 min...Ah....40...40 minutes" Jin started but was soon cut off by a slight moan escaping his lips his fiancée's sex drive kicking in as they went to the showers.

On the other side of the door Jimin rolled his eyes as he can hear the wet slaps of skin and moan coming from the bathroom "Horndogs!!!" He yelled walking down the stairs back to the living room to tell the others how long it will take.

♎︎40 minutes later♎︎

"We're here" Jin announced coming down the stairs a little limp in his step "Really you guys?" Namjoon looked at the two youngest as Jin wobbled a little "You two need to go easier on him" Yoongi said as Hoseok and Jimin nodded.

"Hey!!, he asked for it" Jungkook remarked in defense getting a slap to the back of the head by Taehyung in return "Idiot" Taehyung groaned out as they walked out of the door "But you love this idiot" Jungkook mumbled pouting.

Seeing Jungkook's droopy lips Jin pecked the tip of his nose "Come here you big baby" Jin opened his arms for a hug, Jungkook smiled rushing into Jin's arms.

TimeSkip to the mall

As they arrived at the mall Jimin and Hoseok immediately pulled Jin away from the others as they rushed into the mall leaving the other four confused.

With JIJINHope

"Why did we leave the others behind?" Jin looked at Hoseok and Jimin as they led him into a pharmaceutical store "OK!!!! Ok what are we doing here!?! What's going on?!?" Jin pulled his arms out of his members grasps as he stared at them sternly Jimin sighed picking up a Male Pregnancy Test Kit.

Jin's voice got caught in his throat as he looked at a teary eyed Jimin who was taking Jin's silence as disappointment "Jimin your...." Jin stopped talking as the tears finally started falling from Jimin's eyes Hoseok who was already comforting him by rubbing his back was now full on hugging him.

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