Chapter Eleven: Butterflies

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"Alright, stop there, take a break boys!" 

As if a switch had been flicked, every single member of BTS slumped to the floor in exhaustion, their shoulders heaving, breath heavy in desperate attempt to recuperate themselves after such a heavy rehearsal. They had come a long way, Hoseok realised, from spending nights dragging their feet across the studio floor in terror that any single moment not considered perfect would cause their rejection by the KPop world. 

Of course, there were times where the daytime and the nighttime didn't quite fit into BTS' schedule - perhaps an early morning flight, or a rushed practice before a live international interview at three o'clock in the morning. But, gulping in cool air as he watched his fellow members clamber about gathering their belongings, Jung Hoseok could not help but feel a rush of tearful pride. 

"Quickly back to the offices and then we've got some admin briefing to do." Manager Sejin beckoned the remaining stragglers, filtering the seven out of the room. As if in union, every single member groaned in protest. "Come on guys I know you're tired, but we can get through this alright? Only a few more days." They'd been non-stop bouncing from A to B to C for the past week. Hobi could barely keep his eyes open for more than a few minutes once Namjoon called bedtime.  

For the past month they'd been preparing a special exclusive set for 5th Muster: Magic Shop, each piece of entertainment flushed with their complete heart and soul. Although this was their main focus, BTS had been juggling a variety of promotional collaborations, particularly since their appearance at the Grammy's earlier that year. Meetings with Matte, Lotte Duty Free, discussions with Entertainment Weekly, the announcement of the new Album, Armypedia... Hoseok felt like he was going to lose the plot if they had a week more of such chaos. 

But this is what Bang PD had warned them of. "BTS is getting noticed," He'd said, looking at all of them in concern during a meeting a year ago, "Get ready for the whole world wanting you. It will get daunting, it will get exhausting and feel unbearable. So prepare yourselves, brace yourselves, and try and enjoy the fun times." 

Namjoon hadn't even released the Persona comeback trailer and it was then, Hobi knew it would be interview after interview after promotional piece after performance until the media world had rinsed every little minute detail about their album from their brains and displayed it next to the other hundred articles talking of exactly the same thing. Map of the Soul in particular, Hoseok's chest burned with excitement, would be something...unique.

"Alright last few things." Finally, Hoseok sighed internally to himself, feeling the tiredness in the room suddenly enlarge, "Jungkook, Jimin, you've been doing amazing, we just need to talk about refining that appropriate media presence. I was at the EDaily Culture Awards just like every media outlet, Kook you don't need to be so protective of Jimin that's what our security guards are for." The youngest smiled sheepishly, muttering something about not being able to help himself. Fortunately, he knew Sejin was not harshly lecturing him and allowed himself to let out a nervous laugh. 

"Lastly, Yoongi could I have a word with you?" 

The tiredness at once became engulfed in sharp, teeth gritting tension. You did not have to go very high up the employee ranks in BigHit to know exactly what Sejin was speaking about - the incident had drawn the emergency services, BigHit security staff and managers alike: before long, news about the incident spread and now every staff member whose work centered around meeting BTS daily, from CEOs to make-up artists, knew what had happened. 

The oldest rapper hesitated, his gaze beyond the boundaries of subtle as it drifted from Sejin to Hoseok, then back to Sejin and finally, rested permanently on Hoseok. "Yoongi." As their manager called again, all eyes drew to SUGA; frozen, silent, with a pleading look flushed across the face that had directed itself towards JHope. "Yoongi? Are you listening- Yoongi!"

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