°• Only Angel •°

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A squeak of rubber soles on the polish floor and panting breaths, Hyunjin took his time to dribble the ball in his hands, gaze seemingly far away and unfocused but his senses sharp and promising.

It was another one of those friendly matches between him and his friends, a 3 on 3. Chan, Minho and Han on the opposition and him, Jeongin and Kevin on his team.

"But you know, Felix really saved you from that cheater. You should thank him more." Chan says, eyes on the ball that was bouncing between Hyunjin's palm and the floor, hand spread wide, waiting for a perfect opportunity to attack, in which Hyunjin felt a strong surge of adrenaline rushing through his veins from the challenge.

They've talked about the same thing over and over again, and yet there they go again, running out breath while they discuss over the same thing.

"Yeah, I still didn't expect Seungmin would do that to you... That boy seemed sweet." Han chimed in, having a push and pull with Kevin.

"Well..." Hyunjin took that time to move forward, passing through Chan without hesitation seemingly going for the basket, having said male and Minho running after him as he anticipated, only to pass the ball to Jeongin who made a jump shot out of the three point line, successfully adding 3 more points in their team score.

Minho groaned, making all of them laugh as they collectively decided to take a short water break.

"I already have a clue about it, I... I don't know, I just don't have what it takes to confront Seungmin about it." He let out admittedly, cringing as he felt stupid with his own words.

"And that's why you are looked at as a fool." Added Minho, taking his water jug before having a huge gulp like a fish out of water for a long time.

"That's an unfair way of thinking, hyung. How come it was Hyunjin's fault for loving someone with all he has?" Jeongin defended him, trying his best to understand where Hyunjin was coming from even though in his little head, Hyunjin really is a foolish guy.

"It's hyung for you, kid." Adds Kevin who was wiping his neck with a towel. Jeongin huffed, pouting. "And there really wasn't anything wrong about that. What's wrong is that he just let it happen. He just watched while his boyfriend cheated in front of his face, something only a really stupid person would allow."

"Please, why are you talking like you haven't known Hyunjin for a long time? You know how naive he can be, of course he'll just let it slide." Grumbled Jisung, which had Hyunjin rolling his eyes because of how true it was.

It's not that he's a fool thirsty for love or anything, but he can't seem to take the idea of hurting someone. He'd rather be hurt than hurt others.

It's both a flaw and a quirk he wished he could change.

"Can you guys stop talking like I wasn't here? I can hear all the slander, just so you know. At least be a little more considerate with my feelings." Hyunjin chimed, drawing laughter from his friends.

With some pats on his shoulder, the game continued. Hyunjin's team won with a huge gap of 15 points.

"When will I ever beat the crap out of Hyunjin?" Han whined, stomping his feet like a child. "I only experience winning when I'm in your team too! Say, who did you sell your soul to?"

Hyunjin chuckled, throwing a towel towards Jisung's direction that went straight to his face, making his laughter grow.


They were all caught off guard as they saw Seungmin coming their way. The other looked so thin and frail, like he hadn't slept for years.

Hyunjin found himself searching, but there was no bitterness in him as he finally got to see his ex again after almost four months of no communication and clear avoidance towards each other. As for the captain, he didn't care much, really. They pass each other in the hallways, and like before, Changbin would shoot him daggers, Hyunjin would ignore, and that's it. What happened to the four of them didn't really go out in public. Surprisingly, no one ever knew aside from his circle of friends and the other two who -he will assume- were too embarrassed to even think about it.

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