a silent love(r)

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usually, Hyunjin was the quiet type. the one who stays silent as he listens to his boyfriend's blabbering, making sure to pay attention to every detail and every change of the younger's facial expressions as it goes from happy to scrunching, depending on what scene he was telling him about.

Felix was a sunshine, always smiling and just a literal fluff ball, so when the younger went home one day with his shoulders a little slumped, and his smiles a little sad, Hyunjin was quick to think of ways to make him feel better.

he'd made him tea and given him his favorite manga to read. he'd cuddled him up as the shorter read quietly with his head against Hyunjin's chest.

he'd let Felix rest, and gave him time as he knows that's what the younger needed the most.

though that doesn't mean he'll just leave him like that. he needs to make sure his boyfriend would feel better.

later that afternoon, when his lover's mood didn't improve, Hyunjin had played music so loud while he pulled Felix in the middle of the living room.

normally, he wouldn't even think about it, but it was his last card.

he just wants to see his baby's smile. his little scrunching nose as his eyes turn into happy crescents.

so he just swallowed his embarrassment, kissing Felix on his nose as he began to make silly moves.

making small waves with his limbs clumsily that he almost fell a few times.

Felix started smiling, and not long before his voice echoed in the room as he erupted into fits of laughter.

Hyunjin's lips curved into a grin. his heart pumping in contented beats, feeling like the sun had shone again after seeing Felix smile.

when the song ended and the shuffle played a slow melody, Felix didn't hesitate to grab the hand that his boyfriend was offering him and they began to sway around the empty living room.

their fingers linked, their foreheads against each other, and hearts in sync.

Hyunjin is no dancer, and he is not -in any way- a funny person.

he's a silent lover.

stern and stoic.

but he can be anything for Felix.

he's more than willing to make a fool out of himself if it means Felix will smile again after a bad day.



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