Chapter three

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Two horrid days, it'd been two awful days since he accompanied Todoroki on this business trip of his, the flight had been awful. He'd kept getting bad nausea and headaches. The suite itself was fine though. Two bedrooms so they slept in different rooms, two baths, a fairly big kitchen which had marble countertops and a dining room with a good sitting area and a wonderful view of the sunset from the balcony. A dashing place indeed. 

Ever since they'd arrived Katsuki had been busy, busy dealing with his nausea and upset tummy. He was currently laying on the bed in his room, working on some documents on his laptop. His insides hated him so much at that moment, he couldn't figure out why, he was hydrated, he'd eaten a healthy breakfast even went for a short walk up the street and yet his insides still turned and twisted causing him pain and some discomfort, it led to him lying in bed and working. 

He gently rubbed circles onto his tummy though was paying most of his attention to the sheet that he had to complete before the big meeting over company shares and how to profit more from their employees, a soul sucking job if you will. 

"Katsuki, will you accompany me to the festivities tonight?" Shoto asked peeking in after gently knocking on the pale plain door. 

The blonde didn't spare the dual haired alpha a single glance let alone one sentence. He kept typing on his computer not even going to acknowledge the fact that Todoroki was still standing by the door waiting patiently for his reply, but he had none to give. 

"Will you?" He asked again still looking a bit curiously at him "there will be fireworks and lots of different booths with food and games" 

The blonde finally looked up at him, one of his fluffy cats ears twitching in annoyance. "At what time exactly does it start?" He asked. 

"Eight exact" 

The blonde let out a small sigh looking from his unfinished work to the hopeful alpha standing by the door. "Fine, why not." He said. The alpha nodded trying to hide his excitement but it was the way his tail wagged side to side and hit his leg that gave him away. 

Todoroki quickly left after clearing his throat and fixing his shirt collar, muttering a "it'll be fun"

Katsuki looked back down at his work looking over the words he'd written, making sure everything was spelt correctly and made sense. After he looked it over he closed his laptop laying back and let himself be consumed by the sound of his own breath.

He laid thoughtless and unmoving as he heard a timer go off and todoroki start on a rant of cursing sounds. He kept a hand on his stomach feeling sick as he turned his attention from the noise to how sick he felt. He didn't have the flu right? Or some other illness. Maybe he was just recovering from the long flight and then having to immediately go to an emergency meeting, which had been small yet energy draining. 

As the thought of sleep crossed his mind, simultaneously pulling him in, his work phone rang pulling him out of thought. He sat back up, reaching over to grab the vibrating electronic on his nightstand with a groan. He quickly answered it before putting it up to his ear. 

"Todoroki industries, Bakugou speaking, how may I assist you" he said switching easily to an authoritative and professional voice. 

"Its Enji, schedule a twelve o'clock lunch meeting this Thursday, I need to have a chat with my son, and make it somewhere decent" 

Katsuki felt shivers run down his spine as he tried to keep his voice steady "of course sir I'll inform Mr Todoroki after it's done" he said, how was he supposed to act or say, he'd never talked to his bosses boss and father before, the owner of the whole industry. 

"Very good, one more thing before I must go, if a man with a large burn mark down his neck asks where he can find shoto, under no circumstances are you to tell him, I don't care if he beats you tortures you or kills you, if i come to find out you spilled even the smallest detail there will be massive consequences waiting for you" Enji added his voice cold, at least now the blonde knew where shoto got his unpleasant demeanor and tone from. 

"Understood sir" he quickly said, doing his best to keep the fear and worry out of his voice. How could anyone ask that of him, tell him to die rather than say his bosses hair colour. Even if he was shotos pet it was absolutely ludicrous for such a demand to be asked of him. 

"Good, you're a fine one Bakugou" 

Katsuki wasn't sure what that was supposed to mean but he hadn't given his word neither had he consented to doing that. He quickly hung up after his bosses father was done making sure he didn't forget about the lunch meeting and set the phone down his tail hung limp off the side of the bed as he sat in silence, thinking of what he'd just been told. He should die and suffer than even say one thing about his boss, and what consequences could he be talking about, worse than being fired he was sure of that but then what. He was curious about the whole thing but more scared if anything else, did that mean he had a stalker watching him, waiting close by. 

He felt cold shivers run down his spine as he pinned his light brown and blonde ears back and looked about the room trying to see if there were any hidden cameras or something in his room. Finally unable to take the thought he quickly grabbed his laptop and other needed things before he left the room going out into the living erea where Todoroki sat doing his work a concentrated look on his face as he typed away on his laptop looking from the screen to the stack of papers he had plus he was on hold with the higher ups. 

Katsuki quietly and carefully sat down, trying not to disturb him but he just needed to be close to someone he knew, be able to smell their scent around him as he felt himself settle a bit, the light smell of cherries and mint flooded around him, causing a comforting warm feeling in him.

He'd never smelt the halfies regular scent it always had the unmistakable smell of arousal in it or stress whenever he was around him, but it was relaxed and gently admitting from the halfie's scent glands. 

"Whats wrong Katsuki?" 
The blonde jumped a little not expecting Todoroki to speak to him or even acknowledge he had sat down next to him. Shoto looked away from his work closing his laptop as he found the blonde's eyes "I can smell the fear in your scent, what's wrong my pet?" he asked. 

Katsuki felt his cheeks heat up at the nickname plus the fact he'd been caught so easily as soon as he sat down, but he couldn't say anything about his conversation with his father or he might make the CEO mad or worse his father mad. 

"Its nothing" he said keeping his gaze down on his lap, todoroki opened his mouth to say something but his attention was snagged by his call being answered and taken off hold. 

"Yes It's shoto todoroki, yes exactly" 

Katsuki heard the halfie start talking a lonesome kind of feeling coming over him though he couldn't deny it felt good to have his pervert of a boss actually care about him. 

As he thought to himself he felt the dual haired male wrap an arm around him pulling him a bit closer. He awkwardly snuggled up to him resting his head against the alphas strong and muscular chest, a sense peace coming over him as he closed his eyes. It was like they were a couple snuggling together after a long day though they weren't, in all honesty Katsuki wasn't sure what they were.

He had sexual relations with the halfie but even so he couldn't help but feel like he was just a fling to the halfie, unimportant and replaceable if he couldn't preform well enough to satisfy the alpha's needs. 

Katsuki felt shotos thumb gently caress his shoulder, causing little shivers to run down his back and tiredness come over him. He shifted a little making himself comfy against him as he was slowly being pulled into dreamland suddenly falling asleep.

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