Chapter eleven

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"The bastard threw away my lunch!" Katsuki ranted on the phone with Izuku who'd called on his break to see how him and the baby were doing.

"Do you need me to come bring you some lunch?" The greenete asked. Katsuki looked down at the half eaten stir fry and chicken with a small grumble "no, he... gave me a different lunch."

"Good, well I should go now kacchan, but I'll see you at home." Deku said before he hung up. The blonde put his phone down on his desk thinking to himself about how much he wanted those noodles.

After lunch the C.E.O called Katsuki into his large office without much of a reason why or any hints to what he wanted. The blonde did as told and hurried to his office fixing his clothes and checking his looks using his phone before stepping into the office. It was a habit he'd picked up in the beginning of his first year working here in the office's, he'd cared so much back then what the C.E.O thought of him, wanting him to like him, think highly of him, but now after all the things he'd done, the things he continued to do he couldn't care less what the C.E.O thought of him as long as he kept his job and got paid well enough he didn't care what the alpha made of him or did.

"Take a seat, Katsuki." The halfie's deep voice called out, he was sitting in his usual spot at his desk, papers nicely stacked and everything organized like always. Todoroki Shoto was a lot of things, perverted, hansy, cold, lewd but sloppy and disorganized he was not.

"Listen, we need to talk about things." The alpha said once the blonde was settled comfortably in his chair "about our baby." He said making it abundantly clear the baby was both of theirs.

"There's nothing to talk about, I don't want your charity!" The blonde snapped back as he folded his arms across his chest with a more than displeased look on his face. "I don't need your help raising it either. I can take care of my kid by myself!."

The alpha pinched the bridge of his nose with a deep frustrated sigh. "How did this end up like this, you should be demanding I take responsibility and make payments." He muttered almost under his breath. That's how it usually works right? Or was he going to never tell him and make off with his kid, never even wondering if maybe he'd ever wanted it.

Katsuki shrugged, looking off to the side as he waited for the alpha to continue or excuse him back to his work. The truth was he saw accepting the alpha's help made him feel as though he was incapable of meeting the expectations to raise a child. Society prone everyone to think he needed an alpha in order to raise his kid properly, but why was it he supposedly couldn't raise them just as well, sure he wasn't an alpha and he couldn't teach it alpha characteristics but he sure as hell could raise one hell of a good kid, he didn't need Todoroki to do that, yet he couldn't help but at least consider the possibility with how earnest and desperate the alpha came off as, it wasn't evident by his expression but the flood of feelings in his scent ranging from frustration to desperation to annoyance all swirling together and laced into his smell.

"I already said N-

"Katsuki... please!, give me a chance." Shoto interrupted, pleading wholeheartedly that Katsuki allow him to be in his child's future even if this meant he couldn't be in Katsuki's. "After time you can change your mind but I'm begging you to let me help through the remainder of your pregnancy and raise our child with you."

Katsuki went quiet, speechless in a way as he couldn't help but consider the alpha. But what would be asked of him? Not to mention he wasn't supposed to have this kind of a relationship with his boss, he didn't get along well with his coworkers and he absolutely despised Shoto's father enough to the point he couldn't stand being in the same room as him. But all that aside, would this really be a good idea? It wasn't like he was making a life commitment by saying yes to his bosses request yet in doing so wouldn't it just be proving the world right, that he needed Todoroki for this baby. An alpha to raise it properly.

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