Chapter six

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He felt so helpless standing by and doing nothing, his home burning to the ground and the only thing he could do was watch.

Watch while the flames burned away all of his memories and seemingly roaring stronger the more water was sprayed onto it. He was still in shock even an hour later. There had been smoke pouring in from under his bedroom door, he remembered opening the door out of curiosity only to be hit with a massive wave of boiling heat, burning ashes flying past him and onto his clothes burning through the fabric. He brought his arms up to shield his face, burning them and some of his torso.

He stared in horror at his room, engulfed by orange flames which were quickly spreading and eating away at his house. In a panicked run he dashed out the front door without his shoes only grabbing his coat. He could feel the heat on his back as the fire quickly spread to the hall eating the paint and wood.

Now safely outside the pain of his burns set in. His arms trembled from the pain and his teeth clenched, his neighbor had called the fire department and with them came an ambulance.

He was asked a few questions while his burns were treated and wrapped. He winced in pain and bit at his bottom lip, pain shooting up his arms with every second while they were being wrapped. 'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!' He thought, angry tears forming in his eyes as the realization set in. It all seemed to crash down on him at once, the devastation and despair of losing everything.

"KATSUKI~!!'' Within seconds his mother's arms were wrapped tightly around his shoulders while she sobbed against his neck. "Oh thank g- goodness you're okay!" She said her voice cracking as she hugged him tighter, more tears streaming down her face "when I g- got the call I
t- thought... I thought y- you-" she choked on her words, unable to finish the sentence. He didn't need her too. 'I was dead,' he thought slowly, wrapping his arms around her as tears of his own fell.

He couldn't imagine the fear that grabbed hold of his mother after being told and the thought that her only son might have burned with the house crushing her.

"I'm okay" he soothed, doing everything in his power to keep his voice steady. "We're okay" he added in a low whisper, hidden meaning behind his words as his mind drifted to his baby. Some comfort came to him in knowing he was lucky not to have lost any of his loved one's and he'd escaped with minor injuries.

Mitsuki pulled back, wiping at her eyes before she pressed thankful and relieved kisses onto his face. He didn't move away or turn his head like he usually did, he sat there in the ambulance, knots twisting in his stomach and a sick nauseous feeling coming over him as he tried not to look at the burning wreckage of his home, home of ten years, now up in smoke.

'How did this even happen?' he thought, his crimson eyes filling with more tears, he blamed the hormones for all the emotions but he knew even without being pregnant still he would've cried. The weight of everything testing him, trying to break him.


He looked up just as Deku's strong arms wrapped around him in a tight bone crushing hug, the alpha releasing relieved pheromones as he held the omega close to his chest.

Katsuki immediately wrapped his arms around him and ignored the searing pain from his burns. He hugged the alpha back just as tightly, burying his face in his sweet and calming scent glands.
He was safe now, protected by the only person he trusted to hold him like this. He couldn't help the feeling of drowsiness as his instincts told him it was okay to sleep now that he was safe and warm with a twitch of his fluffy cat's ears he caught himself letting go of the alpha.

"Mr Bakugou, I'm sorry about your home. The fire is taken care of but the investigation as to what caused it is still ongoing. We'll keep you updated"

Katsuki nodded not really listening as the weight of this whole disaster weighed down on him, like a pile of bricks had been dumped on him pushing him down and causing him to fight with everything he had just not to suffocate.

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