Chapter thirteen

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Living in his bosses house wasn't as bad as he expected, a nice big bedroom, all the food imaginable but even with evevrything seemingly perfect he couldn't help but miss the way things were, sure Deku's apartment was small, but it was warm and he had this feeling of home, always food on the table when he got back and a nice happy greeting, yet Todoroki's condo was nice, spacious yes but was empty most nights since Katsuki got off work three hours before Todoroki and honestly he didn't have the energy he once had, he didn't mind making dinner which was what he tried to do most nights but even with his efforts the condo still felt... lonely not to mention they slept in separate rooms on different sides of the home. He'd lay at night expecting to have izuku's large and warm body pressed against his like normal but the sheets remained cold, it was only his mindless imagination at work.

Todoroki had been annoyingly helpful the past few months, taking him out baby shopping and even putting together the overly expensive crib they'd bought. Honestly now that he couldn't hide his condition anymore he was beyond pissed with how usless, he was fucking six months pregnant not terminally ill, he could carry his own stack of papers and open his damn udon without some stupid alpha strolling out of his office to do it for him.

He was currently staring at himself in the mirror his bedrooms large bathroom, his shirt over his bump as his eyes trailed over his stomach, satisfied with how little stretch marks he had, just a bit closer to his pelvic area which he didn't mind all that much since they were small and hardly visible, he'd be beyond satisfied if he could go through his whole pregnancy without stretch marks and if he had to get some then he would be fine with a few small ones, though he wondered if he would ever get his beautiful body he'd had before his not so little bean came to be.

"Observing yourself in the mirror again?" Todoroki's voice rang out, startling the omega and causing him to immediately drop his shirt and cover his bump again. "What the hell! Can't you knock!?" Katsuki snapped with a small growl.

Todoroki merely chuckled as he walked up grabbing the blonde by the waist and gently pressing his body into the small of the omega's back, nuzzling his face into the crook of the blonde's neck. "Mmm the door was wide open though." He cooed, taking in the male's sweet scent.

Katsuki let out a small growl though quickly leaned into the alpha's touch, since when had they gotten so close, enough that the alpha could have his hands perfectly placed on his hips and he didn't mind it, even a little.

"Still that wasn't an invitation." He huffed acting as though he wanted the alpha to let him go and get out though that wasn't true.

"Then why are you crooning?" The alpha whispered into his ear sending a few tingles down his spine. Sure hum like purrs were escaping him but like hell it was because Todoroki was holding him by his waist, from behind or that it felt good, calming even.

"You just shut up! Or im taking your dinner privileges away!" He threatened only getting a slight laugh out of the male. Todoroki pressed a quick kiss to his temple just before getting a nice juicy smack when he spanked the blonde, quickly prancing out of the bathroom before Katsuki could spank him back twice as hard.

"You look just as stunning as ever!" Todoroki called back once he was safely far away. Katsuki couldn't help the small very raspy laugh that escaped him, knowing full well he was too heavy and he was definitely way to pregnant to chase after the halfie, 'dumb alpha' he thought a grin on his lips as he brushed his hair. "You better come out looking Hella cute or imma kill your daddy for this!" He playfully growled though a wide embarrassed blush spread across his cheeks as he realized he was talking to his baby again. Honestly with being alone so much he'd come quite acostumed to talking to the not so little bean inside him, he was just lucky Todoroki hadn't caught him in the act yet, he wasn't sure what he would do but it was embarrassing enough he was doing it though he always got some sort of kick or rough movement when his kid heard Todoroki's voice or sometimes even a hand on his bump would cause a reaction. His kid really seemed to like it's dad, which was good for the halfie but Katsuki was at the point he wanted this kid out of him, no more jabbing his ribs, pushing on his bladder, heart burn, hurting feet, over heating or freezing, especially no random mood swings and awful spurts of paranoia over his kid though he couldn't help it. He was always paranoid especially with him and Todoroki having some spicy time together which he usually instigated since being pregnant had also made him horny as fuck, but honestly with the alpha there it wasn't so bad and he'd consulted his doctor about if doing 'it' was okay, even after being told it was he was still rather annoyed and tired of always having doubts, he'd be on drugs if he said he ever wanted to do this again.

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