Chapter fifteen

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Two days passed slowly, nights filled with lonesome dreariness. Katsuki laying under cold and lonely covers, the smell of his alpha still present on his pillow and slowly fading from off the sheets.

He missed his alpha more than words could do justice, he missed the feel of shoto's slim perfect hands caressing his baby bump, those same hands slowly drifting further and further down until they caressed the inside of his thigh, gentle rubbing between his legs and making him squirm helplessly under the alpha, being too pregnant to move or sit up without help.

He wanted to feel his alpha's hot breath on his neck as his fingers did frivolous things to him, turning him into a hot needy, begging mess beneath him.

He wanted his alpha, he wanted his warm body pressed into him at night, his hands against his baby bump, calming bean down. He wanted his alpha back so badly it was tearing him up inside, he felt much more annoyed at the fact he didn't have his alpha to pounce on when he needed something a little more than just cuddles.

He felt like that more lately, the burning need for his alpha's knot inside. The sheer hope that he'd survive the days without shoto, he called a few places, went to a few short meetings but the order couldn't be lifted for another two weeks, he didn't have two weeks. He wasn't even sure he had days before their baby came, there was nothing else he could do besides wait and pray bean wouldn't come just yet.

He laid silently on the bed wide awake, he clutched sadly at his alpha's pillow his eyes watering as he laid silently in the large room, his mind on his boyfriend and he couldn't help curling in on himself the best he could, silent tears of everlasting sadness fell adding to the already soaked pillow, he held the pillow close to his chest, able to smell the sweet comforting scent of his alpha, it was almost two in the morning, he was lonely and his back hurt so badly, he was so done with being away from his alpha, his life was so miserable without his partner. He could see the white thin curtains gently fluttering as the soft calm and cool breeze blew against them through the cracked open window.

His tear filled eyes glanced towards the wide open bedroom door, remembering the gentle sway of bodies as he was elegantly twirled around his alpha in the hall, the two dancing in sync to imaginary music. Mismatched eyes filled with pure love, eyes half lidded fingers intertwined, finally his body pinned against the doorway as his alpha held him close.

With the fluttering of eye lashes his eyes lightly shut, more tears rolling down his cheeks as he couldn't help but sob, his phone by his head and his boyfriends contact opened yet his phone had gone to voice-mail and even so he couldn't help but listen to shoto's voice over and over again.

His hand pressed firmly against his aching lower back. "Ow ow ow~" he whined to himself as he shifted uncomfortably. He kicked off his blanket as he arched his back, trying to get the pain to stop, it came in waves, toe curling waves of sharpness in his lower back. His body quivered as he sat up, getting off the bed and walking back and forth beside his bed, stopping for only a minute as the pain worsened, it was like knives in his back. just as quickly as it came the pain stopped.

He let out a few panting breaths as his mind reeled with questions. His body was in shock and he hardly had time to fully register what was going on before the pain came again this time worse. He grasped at his bed, grasping at the sheets as he clenched his teeth. "Fuck!~ fuuuuck! FUCKING HELL !!!" He angrily yelled scratching his nails against the fabric, he didn't remember the pain ever being this bad especially not a few hours earlier.

He snatched his phone from off his bed, immediately going through his contacts to find izuku's number and pressing call, he put it up to his ear, breathing rhythmically to try and help as he waited for the greenete to pick up.

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